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  • Selling: Premium. Premium -> Sponsor. (Maybe Sponsor And Sponsor -> Vip) Ends Monday!

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Dwarfs_Digging, Jun 27, 2014.

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    1. Dwarfs_Digging

      Dwarfs_Digging Active Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Hey, Im Selling Premium, Premium -> Sponsor, Maybe Sponsor & Sponsor -> VIP

      If You Would Like A Chance Please Fill Out:

      In-Game Name:

      What You Can Offer In: Remember to fill in all of them. If you have nothing than just put none:

      Way I can Contact You:

      Why You Want It:

      What You Would Do With It:

      What Rank Are You Currently & What Do You Want:


      Ill Pick The Winner On Monday!

      May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor :3

      Ill Pick Up To 2 or 3 players.

      You can add anything you want into it (including Buildings, Life Advice ;3, Help)
      you can always redo your app!!!!!

      Warning: offering the basics from sky block is like island farming. Don't offer it.
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
    2. canucksfan44

      canucksfan44 Legendary Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      Good luck to people applying for dis
    3. Derp

      Derp Experienced Member

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Not Got Alot But ill Give It A Try :D EDITED IN LIME GREEN***

      In-Game Name: AgentOrange110

      What You Can Offer In: (Remember to fill in all of them. If you have nothing than just put NONE. Important Ones Are *):
      $18900 Money. 23Diamonds
      3 Sets Of Prot II... 3 diamond Swords With;Sharpness5 KnockbackII Fire AspectII And About $100 Money Also 54 Gold Ingots (Almost A super Golden Apple)
      $30000 Money, Diamond Sword With; UnbreakingIII SharpnessIII Looting III and FireAspectII, Diamond Pickaxe Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV Silk Touch1, Prot IV Legs And Chest, Strength Potion 8 Mins 130% Damage. NEW; 3Strength Potions 1Min 30 Secs 260% Attack Damage
      none. :/
      7 Emeralds :p
      Sharp-15 Sword, Knockback 10 stick, 3 stacks of enderpearls. Half an enderchest full of SharpX Swords And 35 Knockback X Sticks


      Way I can Contact You:

      Skype/My Home Page On Here (Ill Msg u skype if you would like)

      Why You Want It:

      So people would give me more respect, I could keep people in control as they would listen to me (Hopefull) and it would just be super cool to have a rank.
      What You Would Do With It:

      I would use it to keep people in control (I know I cannot kick or ban) but they would respect a donor more than a average member. And also it gives me more of an opportunity to make friends with donors that origianally didnt like me.
      If Its Not An Upgrade than list what you want here:

      Premium Or Sponsor ( As i currently have no rank this is my only choice :D )

      *Fingers Crossed For the Win* ~AgentOrange110

      P.s Hoped You Like My Colorthings :p

      Herobrine's Slave.png
      • Like Like x 1
      Last edited: Jun 30, 2014
    4. Dwarfs_Digging

      Dwarfs_Digging Active Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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    5. prince_planet_2

      prince_planet_2 Experienced Member

      May 11, 2014
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      Wait, so lemme get this straight, your buying rank for the 1 or 2 good people the submit?!
    6. XOXO

      XOXO Well-Known Member

      Jun 17, 2014
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      In-Game Name: xoxotoxicgirl


      over 100k

      1 set of protectionIV,sharp V sword and two golden apples.

      around 5k money, two kit gods and one kit titan.

      The starter stuff

      12 emeralds

      -OP PvP
      5 kit titans and 12 kit Gods. Five stacks of God apples and eight sets of kit OP

      A way to contact me: through my profile on the forums

      Why I want it: Ive been playing mineverse for over a year now and Ive never really donated on any servers before. And also whenever I kill someone I say GG and they talk back to me saying bad words and all that.

      What you would do with it: I will try and make sure that people will not swear or hack or be a bully to someone. Because if I am a premium or sponsor they would be a bit scared of me because they know that I could tell a mod or report them

      If its not an upgrade then list what you want here

      Id like premium or sponsor either one would do.

      Thank you for using up your time to read my comment and good luck to everyone! Have a nice day- xoxo
    7. Dwarfs_Digging

      Dwarfs_Digging Active Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Yes Prince_planet
    8. Axeslinger12

      Axeslinger12 Active Member

      Jun 27, 2014
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      Hey, Im Selling Premium, Premium -> Sponsor, Maybe Sponsor & Sponsor -> VIP
      If You Would Like A Chance Please Fill Out:
      In-Game Name:Axeslinger12
      What You Can Offer In: Remember to fill in all of them. If you have nothing than just put none:
      -Infection*: None
      -Survival: 15k
      -KitPvp*: Kit god
      -Factions: None
      -Skyblock*: 2k
      -Skygrid: 13 emeralds
      -Op: 5 - 6 sharp 10 swords and 5 - 6 kb 10 sticks and 10 sets of kit op and about 4 - 7 stacks of enderpearls
      -Prison*: 15k
      Way I can Contact You: Via Forum
      Why You Want It: I cant donate until 20 and im only 14. Also i have never donated on a server before and i want a donor rank on a server and i've been playing for about 3 - 4 months on mineverse.
      What You Would Do With It: Ill make sure there is no hacking and bullying and if in premium or sponsor they will be afraid of me because they know ill report them.
      What Rank Are You Currently & What Do You Want: I am currently a non donor and i want premium or sponsor.
    9. wifredthejerk

      wifredthejerk Active Member

      Apr 19, 2014
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      In game name: Wilfredthejerk

      -Infection: I will team with you(I'm prestige 4)
      -Survival : money 37000
      -KitPVP : money 370 plus protection 5 diamond armour
      -Factions :money 116500
      -sky-block : 8200 money
      -sky-grid : 77 emeralds
      -OP : 4 stacks of ender pearls one sparp 25 sword 42 gold apples one knockback 25
      - :prison 125k

      Way of contact: usually on infected so msg me

      Way i want it? : I want it because it so i can get more respect and so i can use the kits.

      What i would do with it ? : I would use mostly the infection kit to try and defeat the higher rank and level people.

      What rank am I currently and what do I want ? : I am no rank and i want sponsor or premium (MOSTLY SPONSER)
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
    10. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      Note: Selling starter stuff on Skyblock is basically island farming. Please do not offer that.
    11. Dwarfs_Digging

      Dwarfs_Digging Active Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      "MrParkourGuy, post: 134203, member: 918"]Note: Selling starter stuff on Skyblock is basically island farming. Please do not offer that.[/quote]
      Thanks for the warning, I'll edit my post
      • Like Like x 1
    12. wifredthejerk

      wifredthejerk Active Member

      Apr 19, 2014
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      Does that mean i have to redo mine Dwarfs_digging ?
    13. Dwarfs_Digging

      Dwarfs_Digging Active Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      No just edit out the starting kit
    14. Alixilyn

      Alixilyn Experienced Member

      Jun 10, 2014
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      I got a question.
      If you're already a rank, can you still participate? And when I mean rank, I mean MVP or up.
    15. Maddy1145

      Maddy1145 Guest

      In-Game Name: maddy1145

      What You Can Offer In: Remember to fill in all of them. If you have nothing than just put none:
      -Infection*: Friendship =)
      -Survival: > 4100
      -KitPvp*: $2500
      -Factions: 100k
      -Skyblock*: $7200
      -Skygrid: 15 emeralds.
      -Op: > Protection V armor, and a bow with Infinity I, Flame I, Punch I, and Power V.
      -Prison*: > 300k

      Way I can Contact You:
      Via the forums chat would be fine. If you must, email me at [email protected], or message me on Skype at maddy.w1145

      Why You Want It:
      The advantages like kits, and experience bottles, and some shallow respect. And besides, no matter where the money comes from, it's still supporting the server =)

      What You Would Do With It:
      I would mostly just use the kits. Just pretty much go about my typical business.

      What Rank Are You Currently & What Do You Want:
      Premium. Sponsor.
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2014
    16. Dwarfs_Digging

      Dwarfs_Digging Active Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Ewww Friendship :p

      jk thanks for applying !
    17. Dwarfs_Digging

      Dwarfs_Digging Active Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      For Me $15 upgrades are alot of money... Idk we will see... apply if you want, i mean you can use the $5 for something on skyblock or what not.
    18. prince_planet_2

      prince_planet_2 Experienced Member

      May 11, 2014
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      Are you gonna pay using ur PayPal or something?

      Anyways, I will apply I guess
    19. prince_planet_2

      prince_planet_2 Experienced Member

      May 11, 2014
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      In-Game Name: prince_planet_2
      Make sure you put the _2 because my brothers account is rather the same as his is prince_planet

      What You Can Offer In:
      I don't play the server often, but I have played it a bit, I don't know what I have though

      I have the basic stuff, but I will play it much more often if I get this rank

      I have some iron stuff and some other awesome enchanted things, and money in the thousands, although I have been scammed a couple of times, and lost money :(
      I'm not 100% sure as I haven't played in a while! because it might have died and lost it. I will check my money, but I'm not 100% sure.

      None really

      HEAPS OF STUFF! Heaps of redstone, cobble, dirt, and heaps more expensive stuff. I also have cool expensive items which people have donated to me etc. Not sure if I have used them all or not, but I have some stuff in my chest I will be able to offer, but it may be sorta basic, idk. I have a bit of money, because I spent some, but I might give all of it to u if I get the rank. I always donate to shops that are starting out. My shop is slowly evolving, and I have reasonable amounts of stock. I am currently working on improving the shop and increasing framing rates.

      I play this server when I get spare time, but don't enjoy it that much

      The basic stuff, plus some other stuff that was donated to me like armour and all of that stuff. I think I was also given some awesome enchanted bow as well, or was that in kit pvp, idk

      Reasonable items, but nothing rare. Once again I have donations and all of that, and really enjoy this server. I play this server a lot, but haven't been lately because I have been working on Skyblock and creative.

      -Creative (Just thought I would add this in)*: I have a friend which makes custom fireworks and all of that stuff. He also makes god items and all of that stuff. I have chests full of god stuff, like god pufferfish, god fish, god purple glass pane, god blue glass pane and even more as my friend is making them. I play to server a lot

      Way I can Contact You:
      Start a conversation on my forums profile

      Why You Want It:
      I am responsible, and like helping others. I have a lot to offer, and give people money and donations all of the time. I would really love a rank because no one in my family will give me one :(

      What You Would Do With It:
      I would help people, as they will notice me in the chat more. I love donating items and giving In Game money to people, and helping them if they have a problem. I have worked as Co-Owner, Mod and many other ranks on many servers, so I am extremely good at helping people, as I have helped them all of the time on other servers with all sorts of problems.

      What Rank Are You Currently & What Do You Want:
      I am currently a default rank, and don't really get noticed by other players in the chat (well that's what I think because no one replies to me :()
      It's a hard choice what rank I would choose, but I would like VIP if possible, but if I get picked, send a message to me, and we will discuss it there.

      Please take my application into consideration as I am very active on Mineverse. Thank you!
      Last edited: Jun 29, 2014
    20. Axeslinger12

      Axeslinger12 Active Member

      Jun 27, 2014
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      My updated post :D
      Hey, Im Selling Premium, Premium -> Sponsor, Maybe Sponsor & Sponsor -> VIP
      If You Would Like A Chance Please Fill Out:
      In-Game Name: Axeslinger12
      What You Can Offer In: Remember to fill in all of them. If you have nothing than just put none:
      -Infection*: I would be happy to give you the kitxp if i get the rank :D
      -Survival: 16k And kit VIP
      -KitPvp*: Titan sword and kit god
      -Factions: Full p3 with sharp 3 sword
      -Skyblock*: None
      -Skygrid: 15 emeralds
      -Op: 1 kit op
      -Prison*: 57k
      Way I can Contact You: Through the forums
      Why You Want It: I cant donate until 20 and im 14 and i realyl wanna be noticed by my friends that are donors like u Dwarfs <3
      What You Would Do With It: I will keep the server safe from hackers and bullies and they will most likely listen to a donor more then a regular member
      What Rank Are You Currently & What Do You Want: I am Currenly only a rank Member so not a donor xD and i want Premium or sponsor.
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