I noticed /marry was removed recently. Instead of removing the command all together why not just put a cool down on? 1 week between each proposal so chat doesn't get spammed and it's still funny to see people turned down. Gonna be honest I liked that command a lot and it's fun. *Cough* My signature *Cough* And the cool down would prevent spam in chat but keep the command there. Maybe even add the option to turn off marriage proposals so people can't ask you.
?... It's still there? I was just thinking of a toggle option though that is a good idea maybe you should have the option to put marriage broadcasts on silent though.
I tried to use it on creative. Said I don't have permission. I tried to use it since someone asked me for some odd reason. Might be a glitch? Not sure honestly but wouldn't be shocked since minecarts are glitchy rn.