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  • NA ت EyelessxJack's Moderator Application ت

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by its_tuber, Jun 20, 2019.

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    1. Voxygen

      Voxygen Experienced Member

      Dec 7, 2016
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      No Support, reasons stated above.
    2. Methylone

      Methylone Experienced Member

      Mar 11, 2016
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      This is the last time I am going to reply to this thread. I mean you're lying on your application and here are the screen shots that show you've quit from October 2018 to June 10th 2019.

      https://gyazo.com/7026a964ec11c441d6bb96aa9dfc150c - look at the dates
      https://gyazo.com/8c01a9d13475b6b18034740d7fdd10f1 - On june 10th 2019 it literally says hi im back.

      Also stop double posting, there's an option to edit your previous message.

      Lastly what I meant about fake persona is you're just pretending to be all nice and such just to get moderator.

      Good luck with your moderator application, no support.
    3. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      I'm just gonna stay neutral... Honestly I hate drama on apps when people go back and forth. Not a good image for anyone involved in my opinion. But I'll keep an open mind and wait for it to subside and make my choice. Honestly too much going on within the app. Aka way WAY too much unnecessary drama. But that's how I see it right now.
    4. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Im going to go with No Support,
      You sent me evidence on discord which is not a problem asking me if I thought this guy was hacking. I answer you saying it looks sketchy but since your FOV is so high its hard to tell. Then you start becoming pretty rude in all honesty. For instance, you say I'll have other Mods look at it like you think I'm incapable of being able to see it myself. I even told you that I will ask some other mods for their opinion and they thought the same thing. Then you become salty about the FOV saying like "70 FOV for pvp. Dont even make sense...No one uses 70 FOV." Well plenty of people do and it makes it easier to determine if someone is hacking. I don't believe someone trying to apply for moderator should act so immature and rude to someone who is trying to help you. Hopefully, you can change my mind by having a more positive and accepting attitude and handling criticism better.
    5. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      The dates mean nothing. I can still report people through discord. June 10th 2019 Is when I came back to the forums not in game
      As for this... I just find it crazy for someone to manage to play mc with 70 FOV... :O

      Thanks for your opinions!
    6. Methylone

      Methylone Experienced Member

      Mar 11, 2016
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      I swear after my last post you replied saying its pointless and you do not wanna waste your time. You also asked for the moderator application to be closed. If you cannot handle criticism properly as I just saw then you should not be moderator.

      Please don’t lie about it, I know you deleted the post but it just shows how impuslive you are when it comes to decisions and how you handle certain situations.

      As for you saying those “dates” mean nothing can you show me any video off your youtube of you reporting a player in between october 2018 and june 2019? As you said you reported on discord right?

      I said I wouldn’t reply again but I honestly feel like you’re unfit for the position as to why i keep replying but you’re also giving me more reasons to reply.
    7. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Please keep things on topic.
    8. Saturns

      Saturns best valorant player Premium

      Aug 5, 2014
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      No support. Lack of patience and doesn't know how to handle criticism. Many invalid reports due to your high FOV. You have proved to the community multiple times that you are beyond immature, in a year I haven't seen a drastic change in you and my image of you had stayed the same. I don't think I'm the only person who thinks that, either. I genuinely don't think you're fit for this position in any way shape or form. At first, you didn't even put the fact that you faked evidence to get someone banned/punished, which shows that you only want to address things that the community knows more about. I don't see you on any gamemode other than KitPvP, which obviously you will need to be knowledged on other gamemodes on the server if you want to be a moderator. It seems like a week before you wanted to apply for mod, you put up this fake mask of yours and thought that if you changed for a bit everybody would fall for it.

      Once you actually show a DRASTIC change and I can actually see a different person in you, my opinion shall stay.
      Have a nice day.
    9. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      My FOV has nothing to do with this. Staff should learn how to check reports cause most people don't use 70 FOV. Fake "Mask" Makes no sense. I did fake evidence to get someone banned 1 yr ago...
    10. Gang

      Gang Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      You're kidding, right?
      You do realize most known people on oppvp do most likely use 70 fov? It's also hard to "learn to check reports from players that use 70 fov" because it looks like players get 10 blocks of reach. You're a joke
    11. AcePvP

      AcePvP Active Member

      Apr 13, 2019
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      Right, MidNight, I am very confident in my fellow staff members ability to check reports but once one comes in with an FOV such as 100+ it becomes increasingly difficult to decide if they are using reach. Also paired with the fact that different people have different ping and they could lag more than the other player with max FOV it makes them look like they are cheating when they are not. This makes it really hard if you record someone with high FOV to decide if this is the fact and this is why many of the reports would be Denied.

      While applying for staff you should be setting an example for all the other staff members to show us how you would be making a good Mod but to tell them to learn how to check reports just shows how immature you are.

      I understand it was a year since you faked the evidence to try and get a player banned but to not include this in your application as @Porky said is really bad as you need to own up to your mistakes and say why you did it and what you will do to work on it instead of giving the rude response that "it was one year ago..."

      And for this, I am having to No Support.

      Good Luck With Your Application.
    12. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      My FOV is only 98 but thanks for the feedback!
    13. Gang

      Gang Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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    14. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Lies? 98 FOV is still really high and also in a discord convo earlier you said it was 105 which to be honest it looked like the video was in Quake Pro.

      Also you really should work on the way you reply to things and maybe stop telling the staff team how to do their jobs.
    15. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Most people use over 100 fov I'm done arguing.
    16. Lamborghini

      Lamborghini Active Member

      Mar 31, 2019
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      Okay, Midnight. Let's observe your status along with the status of your application.

      1. Your false reports.

      You have an insanely high FOV which makes it appear as if people are exploiting. You happen to also falsely report a lot of people which overall confuses the staff team in my opinion. The staff team happens to confront you about it, and what do you do? You criticize their skill of assessing a report. Honestly, that was one of the worst ways of responding to feedback.

      2. Extraordinarily high FOV

      You claim that the FOV you use is considered, "normal". Anything above an 85 in my perspective is too high, and it seems the majority of people agree. Instead of owning up to your mistakes, you happen to contradict what everyone's trying to say only for your own gain. Just accept the fact you made a mistake and own up to it. You honestly handled most peoples feedback incorrectly, and that reflects a lot about your maturity.

      3. Falsifying evidence.

      It appears as if the staff team claims you happened to falsify evidence for your own benefit. Now, I trust the staff team with their accusations, so I'm just going to say for the record that falsifying evidence is honestly beyond stupid and selfish. You knew it from the beginning but continued. Now, we all aren't perfect, and we should all own up to our mistakes. When composing your staff application, it's imperative that you include everything you've done. I'm not going to judge your past actions any further, but leaving them out of your application was crystal clear for me. You left that crucial and imperative detail out because you knew it'd come back to negatively impact your application. Honestly, if you just mentioned every rule you broke, I wouldn't be here criticizing your stupid mistakes.

      Honestly, I'm going with no support.

      Here is my advice.

      The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging that there is one. When I see you owning up to your mistakes, and understanding that you didn't handle the situation as maturely and professionally, and overall changing, I'll definitely support you back.

      Also, I recommend changing your FOV ;)

      My feedback has reached its climax for now.

      Good luck with your application,
    17. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      I will take this into consideration I agree with all of these points. I will lower my FOV from 105 to low 90s. Yes I have made lots of mistakes that I am trying to not make again.
      How am I toxic and a Joke? Yes, I'm still not the best person ever I know that... I can get where you are coming from that yes I have been toxic at times. But the thing that triggers me sometimes is when I just come onto creative to have a good time and you say "EyelessxJack no support" for legit no reason. Like this "No Support" thing has been happening to me for nearly 1 year. I think when people say No Support to me all the time for no reason it's toxic, it can be very annoying and frustrating to me.
      [​IMG] This is why people may think I'm toxic cause this is what can sometimes make me look like a toxic rude person I truly don't mean it just something that people have been harassing you for 1 year about it gets to a point were people just need to stop.
    18. Gang

      Gang Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      I am saying no support because I wan't to see if you'll take it as a joke or be toxic, and that quote has nothing to do with the toxicity of you.

      And also, I get that i'm toxic, but i'm not trying to become a mod.
    19. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      I know that I can understand that I have been toxic at times in the past but I'm nowhere near as toxic as I was. Just hope I cleared things up a bit, thanks for the feedback.
    20. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      eh idk. There is a part of me that still doesn't trust you at all. Not to mention you treated me like sh**
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