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  • Global {ATTENTION}WHOLE SERVER REVIVAL (caps are necessary){ATTENTION}

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by GGs, Jun 7, 2019.


    What do you think of this idea?

    1. Yess yesss yesssss yessssss I absolutely support this idea.

    2. I support this

    3. oh I don't know seems nice of an idea but I'll go neutral.

    4. No support

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    5. Thanks for wasting my time, i absolutely hate this idea.

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    1. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Introduction to the idea:
      I mean the title summarizes it all, but we gotta have a server revival, this is where we check all the bugs through out the server, fix the bugs and the thing people are suffering from on the server, and add the leading suggestions which could save the game.

      Server revival:
      Just as said in the introduction, there are a few bugs needed to be fixed, so lets get started with that.

      The following bugs are the most loved bugs and the closest to my heart, I mean they gotta be fixed before I get a heart tumor from them:

      1) The freakinn kit pvp super glitchy lag 100% can't move bug:
      The title says it all but here is a video that can explain it better:

      As seen in the video I am at 4 bars of ping (which is pretty good) and 100-120 fps, yet the server itself is apparently buggy, although with the following PC and network performance level, I pretty much lagged a lot and lagged back when walking also a lot, which is very nice and awesome (not).

      2) Not sure if this should be added onto a "trash plugins" part of this thread or I should write it here, but lets go on here, the lovely duping bug due to our hot and sweet pirated plugins:
      This is on survival mainly, if you are able to have a balance of xxx.99999999999999 guess what happens, your lovely /shop glitches how, pirated plugins is the best explanation, so basically you are the richest person on the server if you have a .999999999999999 balance, as the shop glitches for you, you can buy anything your heart desires from the shop: stacks of mob spawners, stacks of beacons, stacks and stacks and stacks well if I keep saying stacks till the day I die you would understand how bad this is.

      3) The lovely 1.13 glitch:
      No you are not blind and this is not some crappy texture pack I tried to design, this is the actual game and it looks hotter than hell (a Dua Lipa reference here), so so basically this glitch in the way glass and fences look happens when you join using a 1.13 client, forge or normal game whatever you use. aslong as it is 1.13 you will either go through a restart on your client or an eye surgery after 3 mins of playing like this.

      4) The gamemode that starts with a "P" and ends with an "r" and always has 0 players:
      The Par-Buggy-Glitchy-Dead-kour game mode is a very lovely gamemode which I played for 5 days back in 2015 and even back then it was as dead as my cavemen ancestors, even a random factions server that was once advertised on mineverse by some random player who had thousands of alts had more players than parkour back in 2013, so seeing that this gamemode is even still in my lobby menu while infection isn't makes me so happy for this server :) i mean like how lovely a dead gamemode who was dead every since 2013 has survived not getting removed while a gamemode that was so alive until its last few days was removed. other than this lovely story of parkour which I didn't even want to discuss on different sections of this thread so I discussed it in one because it doesn't deserve to be on different sections, this gamemode is really buggy, from fly back glitches (oh you know the fly back hacks, you auto have these on here without a client), to the walking glitches to the lobby portal not even being there to the warping glitches man we gotta change this gamemodes name from Parkour to " Glitch 100".

      5) Do you know what is also as glitchy as Parkour, factions, both unplayable:
      So lets start with the factions gamemode which is also as dead as parkour, however atleast this was at some point alive, but not anymore, wanna know why, ez answer lag, glitches and bugs, this is as buggy as a larvae (incase you don't know what that is, it's a fly's habitat). I mean I spent 4 hours trying to put my vote keys in my hand to open a vote crate because of lag it keeps going back into my inventory instead of my hand slot (FYI IT NEVER WORKED OUT, I JUST LEFT IN THE END, THIS IS HOW BUGGY THIS IS.)

      Now to the server specific revival:
      Well I am not gonna go very specific in details but we gotta reset it for sure and if not reset it then atleast fix the bugs and get a better anti cheat, however if you are willing to go for more details on this be my guest and check this thread by @NounBanned : https://www.mineverse.com/threads/kitpvp-what-needs-to-happen-going-forward.144960/

      oo lovely hackers favorite gamemode after kitpvp, well this is ez hacking, they have the worst anti cheat, just a few kill aura here, antikb there and reach here and we good to go. Well I mean no one wants this to be reset right it just got reset and still no use therefore we gotta go work on improving certain aspects of it, starting with a better anti-cheat, you want to have a pirated one sure, just get a good pirated one and do some improvements right?

      this is an easy one either remove the bugs and fix them or remove the gamemode no other solution.

      Now here is my favorite gamemode lets start with what to fix:
      1) whats the best way to get money, oh iron phoenixes, oh what else, nothing:
      The server gotta add other sources of money, I mean first it was diamonds that just broke the server xrayers everywhere searching for diamonds until there was no more diamonds, so what did people do? oh iron phoenixes I mean this is good, just unfair for people who have not found villages and or do not have enough money to invest on a phoenix.
      2) Oh god end reset, my friends I know, the end reset but I also know that people like @GGs and @lsbminecraft got warps to 75% of the end cities in survival so with the 25% cities left, other few people have warps to those cities therefore boom end raided in the first 24 hours which actually happened lasttime @Noobcrew reset the end, so a scheduled reset every week or 2 would set the end to be more noob friendly.
      3) shop dupe bug, this has been discussed in the bugs section but it should be fixed.

      This is the brand and bright new gamemode, honestly its not new at all, but its actually working and running real well with a good player count considering the server's player count and barely any bugs.

      Now with the new gamemodes and returning gamemodes.
      Notable threads
      @Swift has done a great job making this thread as bedwars had a big player count and bringing it back will bring a high percentage of those who played it.

      @Vincent~ has some ideas here all I support as returning these old gamemodes would bring back some of the players especially bedwars, prison and infection.

      Thanks everyone for allowing me to waste your time on making you read this whole thread, however if you found it useful and would like to see this happen please drop the thread a support, hoping for the server to be fixed.
    2. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      Looks more like a player-side problem to me
      This was the case on skyblock too. He fixed it by setting a minimum transfer to /pay
      Why can't you just use 1.8-1.12? You should always be on the same version as the gamemode...
      Screenshot from a dev on SB.net:

      The problem isn't necessarily the anticheat, but rather ViaVersion. I'm obviously not sure, but to me, it seems like this is a consequence of allowing 1.8 through 1.13 to connect to the network. Swift thinks it's related to poor set-up: the anticheat being a global plugin in Lobby3 which is 1.12. OP pvp and kit pvp, on the other hand, are 1.8. He can describe it later or whatever

      I also appreciate the humour. Supporttt!
      Last edited: Jun 7, 2019
    3. CodBucket

      CodBucket Head Moderator Head Moderator Premium

      Mar 13, 2015
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      Support, absolute support.

      Survival really needs an update to 1.14 too :D
    4. Toxic

      Toxic Active Member

      Apr 21, 2019
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      So you just took a bunch of ideas and put it in one thread. Nice.
      Factions: isn’t getting fixed until there is a player base for it to be worth it (oh wait the players all leave because of the amount of bugs)

      Skyblock: why is this included?

      Survival: update to 1.14 and reset. To many duped items in the game... lol
    5. Cheerio

      Cheerio Active Member

      Jun 5, 2019
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    6. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Thanks for the support.
      Seems a nice idea to have more blocks and new things added so ya I like the idea of an update to 1.14

      Thanks for supporting the idea, however, the survival reset idea is unnecessary and also the player community in survival do not want a reset.
    7. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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    8. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      It's an obvious support from me
    9. phatguy19

      phatguy19 Active Member

      Jun 8, 2019
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      Only support for kitpvp and survival.
    10. Siblinqs

      Siblinqs Active Member

      Nov 25, 2015
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      Omg foreal
    11. Koreancurry

      Koreancurry Active Member

      Mar 27, 2018
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      yea i like the idea but only for kitpvp and survival but what u said about fixing the glitches well thats what there doing already but idk anything so ye
    12. Siblinqs

      Siblinqs Active Member

      Nov 25, 2015
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