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  • Inactive ★ ♥ Swift's Moderator Reapplication ♥ ★

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Swift, May 21, 2019.

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    1. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I'm asking you politely if you have no feedback for the actual applicant then do not respond to this application as there is really no point. At that point it's as if you are just doing it for posts. You don't seem to even read what others have to say and just respond to it considering what I had to quote specifically for you. I'm sorry if you felt it was directed towards you but as I said it was not so your reason for no support just falls on you wanting to start flames.

      I'm not like one of the moderators who applied a month after they resigned at least like I am 3 years from that almost.
      I appreciate the backup and I will try to handle it from here, thanks for the re-support however :).
      Last edited: May 22, 2019
    2. Lamborghini

      Lamborghini Active Member

      Mar 31, 2019
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      This will be my last reply

      I never ever intended to flame your thread whatsoever. I'm not offended, but I just found it a little irresponsible. That's all.
    3. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Like I said before, I did not no support you. I went with neutral because I want to see that you continue to do reports and be active like you currently are over the next couple days. Seeing that you're very active and doing so I was likely to support you again. I just wanted to see how you respond to people and etc...

      However, I find it somewhat rude to make comments when you do not know why I am not on much this week at all. 1. I have been very busy with school since we have multiple projects due this week and I have to get them finished. 2. My pet almost died for the second time because he had a huge infection of his bladder. 3. My mother was in the hospital last night because she fell on her head while on a walk. So I am sorry that I am not sitting on Minecraft right now, but it is simply because my life is very complicated at the moment.
    4. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      Yes you got it. He is 100% talking about you

      And I am p sure his point is that he is the applicant putting in the most effort right now and yet you choose not to support him because he recently came back, and there is a chance of him possibly resigning quickly. If that was the case I guess we shouldn't have promoted ATruePitato who did a wonderful job the 1 month he was on the team ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      And no this is not hate towards you Turtle. I love youu xoxoxo
      Yes swift I am writing this for you because I know how much you love it when other people do the moderation on your app for you xoxoxo
    5. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I don't blame you for not seeing this as I had not directly replied to you with this but I had said in a previous reply that I was not talking about you but sorry that you have felt that way and sorry for how your life is treating you currently:
      The person I was talking about though replied above me ;) and had tried to explain it more above. Yes Sando3 and his lovely reports, of course this was a joke towards a friendly applicant and no hate was intended towards him at all.
    6. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      why wouldn’t i listen to someone who has a good opinion i agree with and backs their opinion with facts ...
    7. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Did you check these facts because I mean the 4th paragraph about what he said was false. And you do this to every applicant about the slightest thing so to trust what you're saying here would be incorrect. His opinion on my motivation proves nothing with facts, that's just what he thinks. I'd honestly like feedback like his which do explain instead of just trying to piggyback on-top of the first thing you about anyone. :/ Anyways, yea that's all just don't say stuff like that if it's not actually true.
    8. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      @Sando3 I am not saying a Moderator can't do great work in one month time. I just don't want Mineverse to lose more great Moderators in a short amount of time.

      @Sando3 and @Swift this is the last time I am going to say this. I feel like I just keep repeating myself over and over. I did NOT say I am no supporting you, I said I was NEUTRAL at the moment because I want to see that you keep up the good work over the next couple weeks. Maybe you should clarify what you meant by saying that you resigned after a short amount of time the last time you were moderator. Like define a short amount of time. Overall, what I meant is that I want to see your personality more over the next couple days/weeks before I give my full support.

      Thank you, it has been a little rough the last couple weeks; hence, my decline in reports over the last couple weeks.
    9. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      May I ask what you are talking about and why you're saying what you're saying because I wasn't ever saying you were no supporting I was saying that you mistook what I said about the joke on not being online / doing reports as it was not directed towards you and I thought I did? it says in my application how long I was moderator for so I do not know what you are trying to refer too. Sorry if I'm misunderstanding you.
    10. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Well I was just trying to clarify my point of view on you and your application at the moment. The "no support" was more aimed to Sando because he thinks I no supported you. Sorry I seemed to have missed where you said how long you were moderator on your application. I was just trying to say that I am not fully supporting you at the moment because, yes you just recently came back and I want to see that you are dedicated to getting the position, which I see currently. Sorry to cause confusion. Hope this clears things up.
    11. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      @Ordi mentions how you showed up and just started doing reports. i looked back at the reports and there was a big gap from mid february to saturday. this gap raises my suspicions because i play an okay amount but i have never really seen you on op pvp until recently. this could be because you mainly play on eu times even though you are us. many of your reports are profanity reports as well which is very easy to grind to look ready and fit for a moderator application.

      don’t get me wrong you look like a perfect mod.. on paper. past experience, known in the community, and tons of reports. however, i truly feel you only want mod to give your suggestions directly to noobcrew which isn’t a bad thing, but it is if that’s the only thing you want out of it. i mention this because a few days ago you posted your bedwars suggestion.

      so yes i guess you could say i piggyback on-top of others because their opinions factors mine due to the fact i don’t know you well.

      and yes you could say i do this to a lot of mods because the mods that are inactive and don’t help the server were a perfect fit for the job on paper. also a lot of the applicants we have currently created their accounts either recently or just started using their forums account and are grinding messages which i also don’t think is a good fit for moderator.
    12. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Sure I get it, moderators don't stay as active once they do get moderator, once I got mod I couldn't play Bedwars as much as I had. Maybe they resign with a month. Maybe they're in /vanish. Maybe they're busy with trying to help someone out.

      I never stated in my reply to Ordi that the only thing I wanted to do was give my suggestions to Noobcrew, I do want to moderate the server (or I guess OP PvP since that's all that really gets players really and Skyblock too) as I did state there. My Bedwars suggestion is to get hope within the community that something that will bring popularity back could happen. I do not understand why so many people are mentioning my reports however as you can see out of the applicants applying I am almost the only one doing them, sure a lot of them are for chat offenses but I do have hacking ones too but you know the problem is on OP PvP that's about all you can report for so what do you expect from me honestly? To get donors who don't hack banned for that? (which some people may think I have done) The community on OP PvP is not the nicest I can not deny that. I agree with you what may sound good on paper may have a totally different effect once given to them, they could be totally biased or inactive or anything really. But what you say here is that you are not supporting me because of issues like my quick return or that I make reports but then you go and support people that I will not name even though they don't do reports and haven't been online for a month almost, I just find that odd.
      Last edited: May 23, 2019
    13. Ordi

      Ordi Mythical Member Premium

      Apr 23, 2014
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      My original question was just to see where you align yourself on the server. Maybe I should've just asked you in a private conversation, thinking about it. Either way, because I'm the type to analyze something, I'll quote as many things as I can; maybe you can gain something positive out of this, such as improvement, but of course there may not even be any improvement coming from these following remarks.

      I totally agree with you on this since, from what I've been told, some mods do slack off in their "prestigious" position.
      Of course, everyone has their own reasons. I may have come off sounding like I knew your exact reasons to your reapplication, which I should apologize for. But, I wouldn't be the one hiding those reasons from the public. Thus, I have my reasons to believe all reasons/motivations are currently in your application for the public eye.
      Quite frankly, it is very possible that you put on a jokingly expression/having fun when posting past comments, which is probably why I believed you had this negative vibe. But, I could argue against myself and say that the ratio of what is considered a negative vibe can be different from a person to another.
      Although you claim many have been asking for your reapplication, let me ask you this; who? It's hard for me to believe your statement here simply due to your recent "arrival" to say.


      Back in my day... ;)

      Jokes aside, 1-2 years ago, before and during my time on the staff team, I would, and players and staff members of the time, consider chat related offenses (in other words, swearing) negligible to report since the reporter (let's say for this scenario they're an applicant) could have been recording hackers, since they were in abundance at the time. Of course times have changed, less hackers have popped on but there are still some worthy to get reported. Now, although it is very vague, what I'm trying to explain here is that chat related offenses are the least of your worries and, in my opinion, doesn't reflect your activity, reports wise. To my eyes, and to others, reporting chat related offenses is the equivalent of post farming and gaining "recognition" for your "good deeds". Again, let me clarify: this is reflected on the opinion of others and myself from 1-2 years ago before and during my moderation on Mineverse.


      In the end, all of this was due to the fact that I like to analyze certain aspects of something. Hopefully you can either come out with something positive from this comment, but if you don't, then that's perfectly fine too. I'm not some influential god here, so I don't expect anything at the start of this message.

      Nevertheless, I wish you the best of luck! And yes, I do believe you have a good chance at your repromotion, wanted to join in before you got accepted. ;)
    14. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Before I say anything I do really want to thank you for the incredibly long feedback as it does help me understand a little more what I should be doing. Thank you for not bashing my skull with hate and actually giving understandable and responsible responses :).

      As I feel it would be inappropriate to actually tag the people who have requested that I try and apply again I can say that most of them have supported me already in the first page of this application and I got some off of discord but they aren't really on the forums anymore. According to my good old applicant friend apparently even current moderators have requested for me back but I'm not entirely sure about that lol.

      While I never thought my motivation would be something that people would like to read about in my application, you do make a good point at how it could be important at how the applicant is judged. I guess I should have thought about it more clearly in the beginning before writing this but I just assumed no one actually read applications really anymore or at least that's what it feels like.

      I see your point. That's why I have tried to only report chat offenses if it is directed towards another player from now on instead of just any cuss word that bypasses the filter. The OP PvP community is extremely toxic when no staff members are on (and sometimes even when they are) and they go crazy so I do feel like some of the chat offense reports I do are deserved but I can understand why people don't like me doing them and/or don't count them as real reports. I do hacking ones too but most of the time the hackers are just obvious bhoppers / 50+ block reach hackers which they also don't count as. But then when I successfully report someone who I believe to be hacking and get them banned they dislike that so sometimes I don't know what direction I should go with on reports.

      Nonetheless, I hope that I gained something from having this conversation with you that will stick with me :).
      Last edited: May 23, 2019
    15. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      yes please
    16. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      no this is creative ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      more support swift xoxo
    17. Boobalyboo

      Boobalyboo Well-Known Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      I'm gonna have to go with neutral. I've seen you talk a little rudely to other players in threads for example, and i've had a few players complain about you trying to false ban them, with them ending up getting unbanned anyway. I still wish you good luck.
    18. trinityy

      trinityy stan boba Premium

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Me and you have had a rough past, I'm gonna admit that, but you are one of the most capable of the people applying right now. (No offense to anyone else applying.)

      I saw you when you was a mod a while back, and you did an amazing job. Second chances are harder to get, but if anyone here deserves one, you best bet its you.

      You have my full support, never gonna change unless you do smth to annoy me.
    19. Nicy

      Nicy Experienced Member

      Jan 2, 2014
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      Agreed. Couldn’t say it any better.
    20. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I don't know why they think I'd be purposefully trying to false ban them as I am not targeting certain players. I've never even reported the same player twice after one may have gotten denied. Mods make false bans all the time (I'm not sure of a single one who hasn't logged something that wasn't actual hacks that was probably appealed for later) I've done it before and that's what appeals are for to prove that they weren't actually hacking. If I had thought they hacked then I report them and if I truly don't know I ask for a friend's opinion and a mod to see what they think on the actual report and if they accept it then they must of thought so too, I do promise I don't edit the videos or anything to make it seem like they're hacking if that's what they may think. I wish you had not used that as a reason against me however because to get a player banned is a two-way street, it is my decision to report them but it is also someone else's to ban them. I realize if I were to get moderator that it is up to me to decide if it is worthy of a ban or not but at that time I'd be way more careful to not false ban someone while as now it's not all on me to decide. But anyways I could see my replies being a little more rude/serious than kind but that's only because I try to get my thoughts out and help them understand the reasoning on why I chose that decision (assuming you mean the thread we had just discussed on) as they went right to being disrespectful of my opinion without even really reading what I had suggested first instead of trying to understand that I just wanted a better suggestion made because I did not think the one made was going to get added in the condition it was said in. Also thank you for your luck and hopefully your opinion can change and not be set in stone quite yet :).

      Thank you so much for your supports and/or re-supports. If you do have any advice, go ahead and hit me with it.

      While you may think I tried to get you banned on purpose that is not the case at all. It is sad to see that you have changed because of a mistake that may have happened that had gotten you banned. I record most of the time and anything that looks mostly suspicious to me I do report. It's not my fault the report wasn't found as lack of evidence at the time, someone had to agree with me to ban you in the first place. However, I am sorry that you did get false banned but you should try not to let that make your attitude become salty and that you should hate on my posts and in-game.
      Last edited: May 23, 2019
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