I’m asking how it’s inconsistent. You could have some really good ideas but you’re not going to get much support if you’re not specific in your suggestions. Vagueness is not good for suggestions.
I’m referring to the websites color spectrum. The forums list color scheme doesn’t match with the logo’s color scheme
It’s because I am asking you to actually tell me what you want to see different. Telling me that the colour scheme doesn’t match it different than telling me what colours should be there instead. You’re giving me the problem but not the solution. It’s not that you’re incoherent, it’s because you obviously have this vision for a new forums in your head but you’re not sharing it, and you’re expecting people to support this thread; people don’t know what they’re supporting.
That’s understandable. Perhaps maybe change the color scheme to a darkish color so that it matches the background. The website developers could always implement trial and error and experiment with all sorts of colors to find a better alternative for the website’s color spectrum. Perhaps maybe changing the order of the forums list could make it more organized? There are so many things the website developer could do to improve the MV website
U have no clue what u want u just want it, u need to give a legitimate reason to want to change it and not to just try out different colours when the current forums is working perfectly fine and resembles minverse
sug·ges·tion /sə(ɡ)ˈjesCH(ə)n/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: suggestion; plural noun: suggestions an idea or plan put forward for consideration. synonyms: proposal, proposition, motion, submission, recommendation; More advice, counsel, exhortation, hint, tip, clue, tip-off, idea, piece of advice "there are some suggestions for tackling this problem" the action of suggesting something. "at my suggestion, the museum held an exhibition of his work" something that implies or indicates a certain fact or situation. "there is no suggestion that he was involved in any wrongdoing" synonyms: insinuation, hint, implication, intimation, innuendo, imputation "there is no suggestion that the Secretary of State was party to a conspiracy" a slight trace or indication of something. "there was a suggestion of a smile on his lips" synonyms: hint, trace, touch, suspicion, tinge, modicum, dash, soupçon; More ghost, semblance, shadow, glimmer, impression, breath, whiff, undertone, whisper, nuance, undertone, connotation "I leaned back in my chair with just the suggestion of a smirk on my face" the action or process of calling up an idea or thought in someone's mind by associating it with other things. "the power of suggestion" PSYCHOLOGY the influencing of a person to accept an idea, belief, or impulse uncritically, especially as a technique in hypnosis or other therapies. PSYCHOLOGY a belief or impulse induced by suggestion I know what I want. I explained above, and I apologize for being incoherent. A suggestion is meant to improve things. I explained why I myself think it’s imperative we implement this suggestion as well.
Using big words doesn't make u right, u haven't gave a main subject of change u just said " change the colours"
Changing to no support, the forums is fine and most people like it how it is. Plus I’d rather noobcrew work on anticheat and ingame stuff then changing the color of forums.
I have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize.