Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for not having a colored picture
Banned for not having a picture
Banned for not knowing that I don’t have a picture because I got unbanned recently
Banned for not letting me make my own decisions (in regards to you banning me for not being mod)
Banned for not applying
Banned for assuming I want to apply
Banned for assuming they assumed that they wanted you to apply
Banned for banning the person above you
Banned for banning me
Banned for not capitalizing the first letter in your name
banned for not having over 100 messages
banned for not adding me on instagram
banned for trying to ask for her instagram
banned because gta never came back
banned because you play gta
Banned for lying
banned for having youtube rank
banned for not having yt rank
Banned for being a porkchop.
Banned for banning an eboy @Porky