Heyo! So, I'm thinking of a suggestion, that'll be better for Mineverse. I was thinking we can add a chat plugin, so you cannot repeat the same message. I tested it just to make sure and you can see the same message multiple times. Yes, I'm aware of the cooldown it has, but it's one second, and if were being botted we'll have multiple bots spamming the same thing. We can add a plugin that allows them not to do the same message multiple times, or anything really relatable to that previous message. I know some might not like this idea, because some people might have to say the same thing twice, for example if you mess up with the unscramble words, you might want to retype it. However, we can hopefully make it so it doesn't interfere with the Hover to Unscramble. This might take some times, and it might take multiple attempts to complete this. But there's more positive effects then negative effects; + Bots can't spam the same message / similar + Players can't spam. + Hopefully, we can get it not to interfere with the Hover. +It'll calm down advertising + Staff members don't have to turn off chat +Players can enjoy a family-friendly experience I'm not sure if I left anything out with the positive effects, let me know. Negative Effects; - Someones AFK, you give them a message, they come back, and you need to retype or use arrow key, but that'll block it. -Plugin might take multiple attempts -Might not work I really hope we can accomplish this, because this will really keep Mineveres's chat clean. - Thank you.
"It's like 5 numbers" makes the difference for a PLUGIN, who is not a human, to determine whether this is the action of a bot spam or not. Even adding a suggestive plugin like yours, players will still find a way to bot spam, whether its posting similar messages in a A B A B pattern, or like Youtuber stated, adding different numbers at the end of the message (and most of the times, this is the works of a client who does it manually). No support. This new plugin would only resolve one issue, when the simple way out of it would be a more active staff team.
No let's not do that. You have no idea how annoying this actually gets. i.e. (same person saying this) "hey dylan!" "hey mike!" *DO NOT REPEAT MSG* another one: "hey can someone help me get a kill" "I need help getting a kill" *DO NOT REPEAT MSG* The chat timer is fine as it is, no need to make even more players leave