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  • EUR Reapplication

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Acceptation, Dec 25, 2018.

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    1. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Your in-game name: Acceptation
      What timezone are you in? EU (UTC)
      What country do you live in? UK
      What languages do you speak? Fluent in English, no other language though
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes I do
      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I would like to become a Moderator on the Mineverse because I am...

      ↠ Creative ↠

      I would like to think I am a very creative, in fact, I believe everyone in the world is creative in there own way and I feel that I could bring my towards this server in a positive way that could potentially benefit the server, being creative is really important in my opinion because it overall just improves everything especially if you are in a team simply because there is better teamwork and team bonding when it comes to creativity which is why I think mine could improve the team, I am great at coming up suggestions or improvements for the server as I used to do a lot of that on a previous server I worked at.

      ↠ Mature ↠

      I am a very mature person in my opinion, especially when it comes to doing something very important such as this role, I believe my maturity is good because it really helps avoid unnecessary conflict that may happen when taking apart the role and helping other players. If I was to get this Moderator position then I would make sure that I take responsibility for all of my actions even if they are mistakes that I could have did. I know the mute appeal I did wasn't very mature of me but I regret that very badly and I can assure you that I am not that type of person who likes to deny everything, I am simply doing this to help other players.

      ↠ Knowledgeable ↠

      After playing this server in-game for over a year (maybe 2), I believe that I am ready to become a Moderator on your server and that I know everything inside and out now, I am fully aware of the rules and the consequences that come to them even if they are broke and I know how the game modes work on the server, I feel this will be good because if I am knowledgeable it means that I will be able to help players out more easily and quicker instead of having to try to find the answer to it.

      ↠ Experienced ↠

      Like I wrote on the question below I am a very experienced player when it comes to helping out a server, I have plenty of experience of how things run and what is not acceptable to be doing in any staff team, I know how to control my emotional state and not to let anything personal get to me, I also know how to manage my stress which could really affect other peoples moderation which is good.

      ↠ Non-Biased ↠

      I am not a biased person at all, even if they do happen to be my friends or not. I take every player equally because that's what I feel they should be, for an example if a player has a bunch of punishments on the server I am still going to be treating them the same as a person who has no punishments at all. This also comes to punishments, I am always going to be punishing people even if they are my friends if they break a rule because I am a person who is strongly against people who are biased because I find it really unfair to the player(s)

      ↠ Professional ↠

      Professionalism is a very big factor in my opinion when it comes to applying for a staff position or even being a staff member at all and I feel like I am professional enough to become a staff member on here, I know that professionalism can benefit the reputation of the server, but it can even decrease the reputation of the server, if you are not being up to standard which I would try to do my 110% best to stay up to standard at all times.

      ↠ Communicative ↠

      I believe I have good communication skills, not only verbal communication but written communication skills as well. I am able to deliver and receive information at a quick standard which I feel can be really beneficial towards this server, along with it being quickly I can also do it accurately so I don't make lots of mistakes when communicating at all. I am a very understandable person when it comes to listening to people and I always try to do my best at a job. Communication is really important to me because it is used to give staff or players information that could be really important to them to help them understand the game or needing help to create a ban appeal and I believe I can present that in a positive way.

      ↠ Focused ↠

      I am a very focused person, I am able to do all types of tasks and activities at a good speed without getting any distractions at all meaning that I will be able to produce a higher quality of work for this server. Me being able to stay focused means that I will be able to get my work done quicker which could help a lot of people on this server. I like to stay focused on one task at a time because I feel that taking one step at a time is less stressful for my mind and being less stressful makes me a much happier person.

      ↠ Organised ↠

      Being organised is one of my key features, it helps me save so much time instead of having to look for things and it also means that I will be able to spend more time on more important things because of that, being an organised person really helps me because it does cause me to panic less often in case I have forgotten to do something important or lost something in a big pile of work which will never happen because I am very tidy and organised.

      ↠ Responsible ↠

      Responsibility is a really important thing for me not only for applying for something but for life in general, I am a really responsible and reliable person and it really does help me build strong, long-lasting relationships with other people. I am able to take all of the responsibility of my actions even if they are bad and I feel that is a good thing to have on you as a person, being a responsible person really does help me when it comes to other people trusting me and that's what I want people to do on the server, I want players to trust me. It is also good because it means that I would never try to put all my actions onto someone else, I take full credit for everything I would do and I never try to blame someone on something they never did, another thing is that it really does help me become a leader that people will be able to count on at all times. I always think before I act and I am always able to think about positive outcomes instead of negative ones

      ↠ Good listener ↠

      Listening is really important to me and it always will be, if I wasn't a good listener then it would be extremely easy for me to affect my communication with people and messages could easily be misunderstood which is good for me. My listening skills would really help this server because I am always down to listening to other players to see what issue or question they may need to be answered which could really build up my trust on this server so players would come to me more often about certain situations.

      ↠ Personable ↠

      I love to share happiness with other people so I am definitely a personal person and I hope I can share it on the server with or without the position, just means with the position I will be able to share it with more people. I like to be personable because not only does it affect me in a positive way but it can also make others around me feel happy. I am a person who really likes to show empathy to one another which I feel is great because it can sometimes make a person feel good.

      ↠ Fast ↠

      I would consider myself a fast person, I have always grown up to be the type of person who has to get tasks done as fast as I could, I don't like to slop around and leave stuff till the very last moment which links into my organisation skills. I am able to get all different types of tasks and activities done at an exceptional speed and I am able to do it in the most efficient way there is. I am also able to be fast while being accurate which leads onto my next point.

      ↠ Accurate ↠

      As I said on my last point I am a very fast person, along with that I am very accurate while working at a fast pace, I don't get overwhelmed if I have a bunch of work to do, I simply do it and move onto something new to get the best outcome. I am able to type fast and get the majority of my words spelled correctly and I am able to work at an efficient speed and time to get things done without making any mistakes within it.

      ↠ Helpful ↠

      I really like being helpful, I feel like it was something I was meant to do when I get older and I really enjoy it when it comes to doing stuff around helping. I am always up for any questions and all and I'm always up to improve someone's gameplay by just getting on to do something simple as banning a hacker. I don't help people just for the benefit of myself, I do it for others to because sometimes it can promote or motivate other players to have positive behaviors and potentially help other players out.

      ↠ Easy Going ↠

      I am a very relaxed and tolerant person I would like to say, I always keep my behavior to an acceptable standard that does not go out of line to affect other people in there life's. I am a person who does not lose their temper at all and I always try my best to follow the server rules at all times. I also am easy going when it comes to helping players, I am always a friendly and easy person to talk to and players should have no problem coming to me about any issues at all.

      ↠ Genuine ↠

      Genuine is one of my main strengths I would say, I don't try to seek attention at all because that is really immature in all honesty. I am not a person who focused most of there time trying to be like by a person because I like who I am and I really don't mind what people may say about me as a person because I am comfortable in my own skin and I feel everyone should be like that. I'm a very consistent person who always likes to stick to stuff that may work, for an example if I am good at doing something I like to stick with that because it could be really beneficial for the future. I honestly think that me being Genuine could really make the server a positive difference.

      ↠ Literate ↠

      I am very good at my literacy, last year I ended up getting a B in my English GCSE and I feel that having good literacy because staff members need to be able to understand what a player might be asking you to do on the server, if you don't have that good of literacy it means that you could potentially misunderstand some of the information that you could be receiving. I have the ability to read and write long types of texts without getting anything to mess up on anything really.

      How long can you be active on the server every day? My exams are now over I should be able to play at least 2-5 hours a day now.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse? More than a year, maybe two
      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) I have on both, I believe one was for illegal trading on Skyblock and I was banned for liking 3 posts on forums.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I used to be a moderator on here until I resigned because of my grades mostly, however this won't happen again because I have been doing my best to improve my grades in my time gone.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No
      Do you have 50 Post Count? Yes
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? Yes
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? Yes
      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication? Yes
      Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
    2. Moni

      Moni Boss Member Premium

      Oct 5, 2016
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      100% SUPPORT!!
    3. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      You told us that you thought the server was screwed because Brandon left, your grades were an also. Don’t lie ;c

      You were an okay moderator though, but it’s sad that you lied and you ditched us saying that the server was screwed and that’s not really nice ;v

      You’re currently inactive too atm though, and I believe that if you really want to do well in your grades, please just step aside from minecraft and try and take a break, focus on your schoolwork. This will only push you away from your grades. If you remember, school ALWAYS comes before games. We don’t want inactive staff if that’s what it’s gonna come to.
      Keep your grades up man, your whole life will depend on it. Don’t waste your opportunity.

      I’m afraid I can’t support you yet.
    4. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Okay yes I may have said the server was screwed but Brandon told me to reconsider after talking to me about how everything would be okay which then changed my mind so I didn't actually resign over that...

      I also don't understand what you mean "I believe that if you really want to do well in your grades, please just step aside from minecraft and try and take a break" I thought I said in my application that I resigned because of my grades and there actually improving after months away and studying... If you also realised from my last application my hours on the server decreased which will give me more time to steady my grades to prevent them falling again.

      I don't see at any point where I "lied" in this application because I didn't actually quit because of Brandon. If I thought the server was screwed I wouldn't be reapplying.


      Thank you Moni <3
    5. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      We’re in hard times. You can’t just say that and consider things all okay again. You may have worded things wrong, but it’s coming to me that he wanted you to reconsider whether or not to resign, not if the server was screwed >.< My mind can’t be changed for now from what I’ve heard when you resigned, so I’m going to stick with no support, sorry.
    6. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      I didn't say that everything would be okay again?

      Yeah he was asking me to reconsider if I wouldn't resign...Isn't that literally what you just told me to do basically?

      Take from your own words "We don't want inactive staff if that's what it's gonna come to." Why do you think I resigned then? Quertiss told me that I could go inactive but I told him that I would be around 4 months... And you don't want inactive staff so...? Now that my grades are better you still want me to study? What?

      Thanks for your opinion. Hopefully that can change.

      Thanks for your opinion. I hope that could change soon.
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2020
    7. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      slackening off isn’t good
    8. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      How am I slackening off? You literally told me that I should take a break from minecraft (which I already did) and to go back and study when I've already did all them things... Could we please take this to conversations because it's causing unneeded spam on my application which is really unprofessional.
    9. Sparky

      Sparky Retired Head-Mod Premium

      Feb 15, 2016
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    10. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Ok hates finna hate hop off.

      Support for my man.
    11. abbie

      abbie receptionist Premium

      Aug 1, 2017
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      Do I even need to say it? Just in case I do support! You were literally one of the best mods on the team!
    12. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      Thought this was a joke and was about to stab you with a spork tbh

      Support 420%
    13. Simons4u

      Simons4u Well-Known Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Do I even need to explain why?!!!!
    14. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
      Likes Received:
      Thank you all so much ❤️
    15. Bman

      Bman Experienced Member

      Aug 12, 2017
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      Ur a cool and friendly dude. Support.
    16. Gang

      Gang Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      support, was one of my fav mods, ngl.
    17. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Thank you guys a lot ❤️

      Also thank you for the support rating @Quertiss ❤️

      QUARSTRIKE Experienced Member

      Nov 2, 2015
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      Attached Files:

    19. Koreancurry

      Koreancurry Active Member

      Mar 27, 2018
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      support you helped a lot before and i bet you will do more again :)
    20. dera

      dera Well-Known Member

      Aug 27, 2014
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