Well no matter what I post I get a bad rating from waffle or creeper so i'm done here. However I have not made up my mind of me supporting you. If I come on and see you help I will change my mind anyway good luck to you.
For the sake of people who think I'm pure evil here Good things I have done: .i have helped lots of players to make bases get started etc .i have given away items and money to new players .i have stopped bases from getting greifed .i have never been banned jailed etc .i have always helped answered someone when they need help Bad things. Have done. .use some bad language (when I was pissed) .drawn a penis on a plot out of clay because the plot was going .killed random people So as you see I have done more good things than bad and the bad things are mainly behind me now
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Btw LDM you know when I said that I now have got 23 dislikes because I proved him wrong and he's mad so ye gg
So you go around Spamming everything with you and your friend everything you see with dislike a perfect somarothan