@Janice999 & @MaxNinja10 @Quertiss & @GracieIV @Accept & @Abbieee @SniffMyToes &@Abbieee @Porky & @Teeeb @Scorv & @Mvdi @i_am_youtuber & @Gabby @Purge & Alone 4 ever :( Tell me if this was accurate at all some I know were some not but take a pitch at your own ships. Catch you all later.
You know what ship we should start? @Noobcrew & Paying Attention to Minetime Maybe if we support it enough we can make it happen ;)
@Abbieee again? Jeez Also am I the only one who thinks @i_am_youtuber and @SniffMyToes would work Soz if that's offensive