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  • Everything Wrong with MineVerse :)

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by michael, Oct 22, 2018.

    1. michael

      michael Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      If I miss anything feel free to comment down below. Things need to change.
      Thank you. I'll keep updating this till something is done.

      Forums: The new "Support Tickets" are so annoying and you have to wait so long before an actual admin reply's to help you. In my case nothing was done only one head-mod tried to help but next thing you know the admin (not noob, In my opionion cyp was more helpful then this new admin) comes by and just closes the ticket with out saying anything and without the problem being fixed. I'm still currently not the only one who is having the same problem and still going on till this day. (Factions)

      There is also a new rule thanks to the admin that made it where we can not say no support to threads which you'll be warned for "post farming" but under some its allowed like WTF is this? Now I've been on this server for years now and this is just bs.

      Lobby: In one of the lobby's no one can speak or use any commands like /fly /msg ect.

      Creative: There is honestly so many problems with this one. Lets start with worldedit anyone can vote to use it which is fine but when certain blocks isn't disabled people will abuse it. Red-stone is an issue because when people spawn it in over there whole plot it always crashes the server it happened so many times now that I've stopped counting. Catapult from the furniture plugin allows pigs to be spawned, as well as chickens (from eggs) iron golems, withers and snow golems can be spawned as well making them the normal way as you would in survival and could possible crash the server once everyone figures this out. World edit is the most gayest part on MV creative you can't do anything with it. We don't have //copy //paste //rotate honestly anything useful besides //set.

      - To use a plot command you have to type out /plot like why.. every new player that came on lately has asked "how do I claim a plot" why couldn't it be like it used to be with /p auto or /p deny like I hate typing /plot for every f in thing pretty sure most people that play creative feel the same way as well.

      - As a rank god or titan which I am a god rank we are able to /tptoggle when we don't wanna be bothered. I expect no one to tp and bother me while I'm talking to my friends or even building by myself but then one day like the whole staff team came on creative and one of them tped to me when I had my tp off which means he would have had to use /tpo for what reason did he tp? And why do I feel like someones always watching over me for no reason. <-- Don't really care about this one but its still annoying AF.

      Factions: At this time factions is mainly dead partly because I feel like most people just can't stay connected to that server. Every time I try to connect there are lag issues when I move lag back, can't open up shop heck can't even play because it's that bad AND don't say it has anything to do on my side it's clearly the server because I'm not the only one having the exact same issue.

      - When you buy a rank such as a high one like god or titan you expect you'll get the perms that MV says on signs on the servers but on factions I also have no perms there that I'm supposed to have.

      Skyblock: The rule AFK - farming (Which you'll get banned for) is so annoying because literately everyone does it. Honestly its hard enough to get money as it is. <-- this apply's for factions as well I play MV to play with friends or by my self not to be stalked by staff when they TP for no reason and try to ban you for afk farming. With the shop as low prices at it is it shouldn't matter if we AFK farming because honestly it's not gonna hurt the economy.

      Survival: Is somewhat laggy at spawn with all those dam birds why do we need them there anyways?


      There are to many issues and probably tons more I didn't add but hopefully the staff will get off there lazy butts and start doing something about the server before they lose every player they ever had. (Not talking about mods/head-mods/seniors-mods only the higher ups who works on the server)

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    2. Grooties

      Grooties Active Member

      Oct 4, 2017
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      True True. The owners also need to raise the sell prices on skyblock and actually ADVERTISE the server. Every single mc server list i've been on doesn't have mineverse listed until you go wayyyyyyyy down to the bottom of like the 4th( rough estimate) page.
    3. kei

      kei Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      I have personally never submitted a support ticket so I'm unsure about this topic. However, why would the admin close your support ticket for no apparent reason? You would assume that there is no issue or the issue had already been resolved.

      You'll only be warned for post farming if you post a response like "No Support", "Neutral", or "Support" without providing any explanation or background as to why you gave that certain response. If you just post a message stating whether or not you support without giving a reason why, or if you are not constructively adding to the discussion, it makes sense as to why it would be classified as post farming.

      There is only a three letter difference and it is not that big of a deal. However, maybe they should alter it so both /p and /plot would work for commands concerning plots.

      It's not justifiable to break the rules solely because you find it hard to earn money. Besides, how would everyone be able to AFK farm if you claim that you are always being stalked by staff? If the staff are watching you at all times, it either goes the same for everyone else and they're not AFK farming, or you are just being skeptical. Regarding the claim you made about the economy, AFK farming would inevitably destroy the economy. There is a reason as to why it is not allowed.
      Last edited: Oct 22, 2018
    4. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      I dont' think you have any idea how much better these are than the old system, back when I had my rank broken I emailed the support around 15 times over the course of a month or two before finally being lucky enough to catch pile online and have her fix my rank.

      As for them being closed, unless it's a primary close (which even than just open another ticket) you can reopen the ticket by replying to it, my best guess as to why they are closed would be due to when they get to it it being inactive (just a guess)

      It's not stupid or anything, the rule is that you can't simply say "no support" or "support" or along the lines of that, as it is frequently used as a way to farm posts, unless you have something that actually adds to that actually adds to the thread and isn't able to be summed up in "support" than don't comment.

      Which lobby?

      Do withers do damage? I will contact the admins about this as this seems quite important.

      You could always ask us to leave yknow, chances are if we're just hanging out we're having fun, if we were spying on ya you wouldn't notice us ;p

      Most likely somebody was on that plot when they logged off or something and we all just tped to them lol

      Connect with 1.8.9

      Make a support ticket.

      Afk farming is an unfair advantage, simple as that. It would be way too OP for the servers and it provides an unfair advantage over players who can't.

      Well to me it seems if we're banning you for afk farming than yeah, we had a reason to tp lol

      You've just provided an exact reason as to why it would hurt the eco, there are people that would heavily abuse this and would very much hurt the eco.

      I honestly have no idea where all the parrots come from lol

      The admins and such are in no way lazy, I'm not sure what matt does but I know both bman and crew are in college, yet still doing the work that mv requires, if you haven't noticed (which i'm sure if you're making this thread you did) mv has quite a few bugs and such that constantly require sorting out, the admins work very hard maintaining it even if it seems like they don't.

      These would be better as suggestions, you have a much better chance at getting these implemented by creating a suggestion thread than you do putting them in this rant thread.
    5. michael

      michael Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      First of all I'm just saying I've submitted a support ticket and had to wait almost 2 weeks before anything was done about it. Well actually nothing was done about it because the issue is still happening that's how I know it wasn't fixed. Also I honestly don't know why he would just close it but he didn't say anything about it also which cyp would have always replied when something this big was happening and would have fixed it by now instead of a month later and still nothing has happened.

      Like I said In the post as well, I've been on this server for many years and this was never considered post farming and to allow "support" or "no support" on just a few threads or what ever you call it. Is just stupid why is it considered post farming on say something like a mod application and not something like a suggestion? Its honestly so stupid that its allowed some places on here but not other places.

      Well because everyone knows to use /p auto when they get on the server. I had tons of people asked me "How do I get a plot" heck I didn't even know how to claim a plot when I first joined creative.

      They're parrots and when I got on today there was a lot lol
    6. kei

      kei Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      Could you provide more information on the problems that you are experiencing?

      Pretty sure post farming in general and solely saying "support" or "no support" is prohibited everywhere on the forums.

      If they are familiar with /p auto, it's highly probable that they know basic commands like /help.

      My bad. For me, the "birds" are just bats named parrots. I do not think that there are that many and they should not cause much of a problem.
    7. michael

      michael Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      In some ways I get why having a support ticket is nice but when an admin doesn't reply and just closes the ticket and doesn't comment anything it makes you think if they really care about there players.

      You don't get what I'm trying to say though if its allowed on some forums but not others whats the point in having the rules. I mean I could just go to where its allowed and "post farm" there. Whats the difference this wasn't a problem before.

      I'll have to check ill pm you the answer

      No they don't cause damage but could be used if in the wrong hands spawn tons of them to create lag :)

      Yeah I know I'm not that worried about this one. Also I know you guys have /v.

      I tried that when you suggested it on the supported ticket and that didn't work

      Nah I'm good I feel like ill get somewhere with this post lol

      It's also fine if you wanna move it. Honestly didn't know if I was gonna get banned for making this thread that's why I put it in "Rant"

      Here is the problem I'm facing along with other people and switching to 1.8 or any other version doesn't work. PS. in the video I'm not closing shop or hitting any button on key board Just lags back every time which closes shop and moves me back as well. Kinda hard to explain.

      As I_am_youtuber said (For the no support and support thing) "While posts like that are not allowed in suggestion threads they are allowed on moderator applications. (Don't ask me why, I do not know)."
      Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2018
    8. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      It's neither here nor there.
    9. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      Well I see what you mean, but I'm sure they have a reason for it.

      I'm not entirely sure why it's allowed on mod applications, my best guess would just be how we look at them when promoting.

      As for the "it wasn't a problem before" argument, it's always been a problem, however bman is the only one that really took action on it.

      Alright, I've already notified one of the admits, I myself have quite a few chickens on my plot atm from random players so I get what ya mean lol

      Ahave yes, I belive you were having a problem with when you open menus they would auto close, correct? If so I belive @Scorv had the same problem and may be able to shed some light on the situation.

      I highly doubt they're going to fix your rank over this post, your best bet would be a support ticket, maybe bump it every 3-5 days.
    10. Gang

      Gang Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      Be patient, /fly is for god's+, go do your daily tik tok
    11. kei

      kei Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      I guess it kind of makes sense for users to be allowed to post simple responses like "Support" and "No Support" on moderator applications to get a general consensus. On things like suggestions, the staff need to be able to see from multiple perspectives and also they need to be able to understand why the suggestion is being made.
    12. Nibba

      Nibba Active Member

      Nov 21, 2017
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      Lol how do you forget about the horrible anti cheat
    13. michael

      michael Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      What? If your talking about "the problem I'm facing" click "here" and it will bring you to a youtube vid.

      Tbh I never had a problem with it.
    14. Nibba

      Nibba Active Member

      Nov 21, 2017
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      Your ing stupid if you think the anti cheat is good or "eh" it's terrible
    15. Nibba

      Nibba Active Member

      Nov 21, 2017
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      And what's your ign I've never heard of you lol
    16. michael

      michael Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      I know it causes problems for some but I personally haven't had a bad experience with it yet. Probably because I only play creative,skyblock and don't pvp

      FxntaPanda is my ign
    17. Nibba

      Nibba Active Member

      Nov 21, 2017
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      I can vouch the anti-cheat is terrible lol
    18. louisC1402

      louisC1402 Active Member

      Dec 30, 2015
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      I get kicked for sending too many packets.. when I try connect to OpPvp2
    19. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      I have notified crew about this problem already, a fix should be soon.

      For now you should be able to play on an alt.
    20. Bman

      Bman Experienced Member

      Aug 12, 2017
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      Typing "Support" or "No Support" with out any feedback or insight to as why you support someone's application is stupid and is understandable to as why we changed that rule.

      A note about support tickets, Noobcrew is responsible for dealing with them alone; that is why it takes a long time.

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