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  • NA -+-Purge's Moderator Application-+-

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Purge, Jun 25, 2018.

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    1. Auston Rash

      Auston Rash Active Member

      Jul 17, 2018
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    2. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Thanks! :)

      Thank you!

      Thanks! :)

      @SniffMyToes Is there anything I can do to gain back your support? if not it's no issue don't worry about it :)
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
    3. Moni

      Moni Boss Member Premium

      Oct 5, 2016
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      RE-SUPPORT!!!! <3
    4. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      THANK YOU!!!!!!! <3
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
    5. extender

      extender Experienced Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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    6. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Asking for supports is going to get me to no support you. No.
    7. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Ok I only was wondering thanks anyways.

      Thank you I hope I earned it! :rolleyes:
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
    8. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      This is honestly shameful in my opinion. You haven't learnt, have you?
    9. Ordi

      Ordi Mythical Member Premium

      Apr 23, 2014
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      The following content may contain elements that are not suitable for some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. (it's a meme but really, this will not be easy to read)

      Before getting started on everything, I'd like to touch up on this quote as I believe it will en-globe my entire "speech" for my opinion, shown below:
      The highlighted part is really what brought my attention to all of this, towards your moderator application. In my opinion, asking users whom have supported you to give you a rating is quite immature and "needy", in a way. I completely disagree with how you're asking every user who's supported you to rate on your application, asking them in-game, on forums or even Discord, but still getting exposed for it verbally. I highly doubt that you've asked someone who's no supported you to rate on your application, because that would give a negative impression of yourself, which is very true. But it's letting myself know that you are trying to project a good image of yourself in the most hideous way possible. All of that is of course, my opinion. I disagree on it, and you should live with how I disagree things; we're human. But the one thing I know is that I am not alone, I am not the only one disagreeing on your behaviors. I am not trying to state that other people might disagree on your actions, but something greater than that. The rules clearly state that rate farming is not permitted, and that asking for ratings is clearly a form of rate farming. That said, you got an extra plus one that disagrees on your actions.

      Now, I assumed since you were asking for a support rating from everyone that you'd have a support/neutral/no support count, which I immediately located at the bottom of your application. Fine, it shows that you have 24 support ratings, 5 neutral ratings and 10 no support ratings. I have no idea when the last time it was updated, but I assumed recently since you had a pretty high count of support ratings. So, I decided to do the statistics on my own to really see how many of each rating you had.

      Before I show my results, let me give you a brief explanation of my procedure. I checked through all your comments to see what this user's opinion is, support, neutral or no support, then checked your ratings and ONLY checked for any users who were missing and had not commented. That way, it gave me a more updated version of some fresh opinions, since people have changed and forgot to change their ratings.

      And the results? They were pretty shocking to say the less, 26 support ratings, 9 neutral ratings and a more accurate result for the no support ratings, a high 20 no support ratings. So feel free to update your application with a more accurate version of your rating count, people will not be happy if you don't and I know some won't (including myself).

      Unfortunately for you, dear lectures, this speech is not quite done actually. The "dropping a rate" part of this was just the captivating part, this is the real "banger", as they say around the world.

      A few days back, you had addressed to me and assumed that the reason I had given you a neutral rating was solely because you just had gotten banned, and I gave it simultaneously after you got banned. It's pretty ironic, eh? (eh is a Canadian thing) Would it convince you even more that I was the one who had reported your content and got you banned? I hope you truly believe that this was the SOLE reason in which I had given you a neutral, because that is what I want you to believe, and not what is actually the truth. To really understand why I had given you that rating, you have to look at the logistical point of view of things.

      The real reasoning in why I had originally given you a neutral rating is simply because I do not believe you have a full understanding of the rules, of how Mineverse is being run as a hole, which is a priority when you become a moderator. Of course, many moderators still have to check the rules just to get a reminder about this rule they had previously known, or the length that poses for a person breaking this rule. But what is lacking on your part is actually knowing some rules exist. You definitely miss that side of things, from your reporting styles to how many times you've been banned on forums.

      What I feel like is going on is the fact that you're too focused on the simple rules: minor chat offenses, such as cussing, death threats, DDoS threats, or hacking offenses that everyone should know. But you tend to miss the well hidden yet lethal rules that you have unfortunately been ignorant of and sometimes banned for: illegal trading, post farming, rate abuse.

      I really have high hopes for you to become a moderator, you have such amazing qualities to become one and surpassing many applicants whom are currently applying, but you have definitely a lot of things to improve on, unfortunately. You, and again in my opinion, extremely lack knowledge of the current rules to impose them and respect them, sometimes quite immature and unpredictable, and really needy for a better image of yourself.

      I want to finish this speech off by saying the following: I will always remain my hopes high for you because you've proven a sense of determination, passion, confidence and the sense of never giving up, which I really am proud of you for that. I have higher hopes for you than I had for some of the moderators currently moderating, and in which I did not believe in them, but look at them now. Try to improve yourself as best possible without being ignorant of what you're doing, always be aware. I am not changing my rating on your application, this speech was more of an explanation to why I had given you a neutral rating.

      Good luck, and I hope you get promoted soon! (I can also sense promotions very soon ;))
    10. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Thanks for the input so far about the ratings and asking to fix the rating is my response is. Ive checked with moderators and a head manager if this was allowed if they already support you however asking if they no support you or have not replied is not allowed.
    11. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Please reword?
    12. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      I asked if it's allowed to ask about the rating only if they already supported me. As said in the past I have been ignorant at times I truely have improved myself. Since after my ban and unknowledge of it. I will be now updating my statistics so it's more accurate for the sake of the community me and you. Thanks everyone so far

      @Bman Thank you for your support means alot.
    13. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Doesn't make sense.
      Spelling Error
      Doesn't really make sense.
    14. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Ok well I respect your opinion thanks for the input.
    15. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      The following content may contain elements that are not suitable for some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.



      Woah, WAIT A SECOND. Is that you saying that you don't know what Illegal Trading is? Deja vu, as @Ordi said above, you slightly broke the rules of "rate abuse". Back at the start of August, you were banned for "Illegal Trading". Here, on discord you expressed to me that you "didn't know" what illegal trading was.
      Now, that tells me that you DID NOT read the rules and check what "illegal trading" was. It was less than a month ago you got banned for breaking the rules on forums, hence I do not want you to join the staff team just yet.
      Look here, Purge says that I'm "neutral" I said I was leaning towards neutral earlier in the application. There again, asking for people to rate, which makes me an instant no support.
      THIS is what is the biggest problem here. After I have said I'm not neutral, he asks me to just change the rating to neutral as I was still nosupporting him. THIS is "rate abuse" for sure. this was 7/31, which means this was just before he got banned.
      These are true problems that have been shown in this post. But surely it was over?
      Of course not. He asks me again to change my rating, which violates the "rate abuse" problem again. This isn't allowed, he's only allowed to do it if they're supporting his application without the rating.
      More proof of asking people consistently to change their rating.
      NOW this is a big problem. You are literally telling us that you will become inactive and NOT resign if you don't feel like playing. There, that's a big problem. If you do this, there is a very high chance you WILL get demoted, nor is this very helpful. It'll also ruin your reputation, saying sorry after being demoted isn't enough. You're also taking up a space that could be used for a healthy, active and thoughtful moderator who are WILLING to resign, unlike you. This is a big problem.
      This isn't very nice to think that he did it because you got banned. Nor is it nice to assume things.

      Another one of my problems is that you spell consistently incorrect, and you also forget to fix grammatical errors. If you're going to be a fast typer, you need to have correct grammar too. That fast typing is no use if you can't type correctly consistently. You may type a ban incorrectly, either get someone else who isn't online banned, or end up risking the ban command, which may make a player lose their stuff in some circumstances. That wouldn't be good would it?
      Okay, why are you using tags to tell people for them to support your application? that's their choice, don't use tags to self-promote your application.

      Your also inactive nowadays, you don't report as much compared to any applicant, you need consistent reports for that to be a good trait of you. If I ever see you (it's not timezones as I'm on 12+ hours a day) you're afk from when I get up till the server restarts. That isn't activity. This is a warning. You are definitely not ready for this position. You've recently slackened off, and thought that I was inactive.

      Tagging @Accept as he wanted proof of this occuring.

      I'm sorry but I definitely can't support you yet, Purge, you just aren't ready for the position as proved by these counterpoints. This won't be my last post on this application.

      Good luck PurgePoodle!
    16. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Thanks for input buddy ill reply with photos of my own when I get home.
    17. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Okay yes, he did break the rules and I'm not going to defend him from his actions of that, but I was forum banned fairly close to my promotion for rate abuse and I can guarantee you that he has learned from his actions. We all make mistakes once in a while.

      You actually never commented that you were "leaning towards neutral" I just checked. As for him asking to rate I think you misunderstood him. From what I'm seeing is that he either thought you were neutral and simply asked if you could change the rating as it was still showing a no support rating which actually can cause confusion as you can't no support and be at neutral. This could have been a simple mistake.

      There is no actual proof that you said you're not neutral. This could have easily been before he said all the stuff above. Like I stated above also he at least thought you were neutral and the rating said no support and simply asked if you could update it. Nothing wrong here.

      Grammar, yes you're correct it is important as a staff member, but is it in the requirements? No. Yes, it's possible that he could punish the wrong player but who hasn't done that before? He would learn from his mistakes so that he'd be sure to type future stuff correctly by taking his time. Also, I went through his application on Grammarly and the majority of his "grammatical errors." are fixed.

      Nothing wrong with putting tags on an application? I highly doubt by putting a "support" tag on the application is self-promoting it.

      Okay, you're saying he needs consistent reports yet reports aren't even a requirement. He's not forced to do reports so this is an invalid reason. Yes, reports do show commitment but you don't need them to get accepted. You talk about him afking yet didn't you go afk multiple times today? Nothing wrong with being afk and applicants don't have to play every single moment of the day. There is also no proof of him "slackening off that you're inactive" and to be fair you weren't that active before you reopened your application.

      No reason to tag me, you already sent me the proof an hour before.

      How many more posts are you going to post on his application then? You've already made it clear that you've no supported him and yet you're still posting. Are you looking for flame?

      If you want to discuss this with me then talk to me on discord.
    18. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Ill be supplying photos of him asking me for his support rating fixed so far ive been keeping my mouth shut I assumed it was ok and I was rightfully punnished.
    19. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      This was to explain.
      This was rightfully in the rules, that's the only time I've ever done it, I did it to you because you did it in mass.
      But he NEEDS to know about the rules and how they can be broken.
      I'm pretty sure I did, I'll check.
      It's an important trait though. This will gain him more supports.
      Yet again, it's a good trait to report, and I didn't straight off stay away for 10 hours at a time. Not saytain there's anything wrong with it.
      I'm not looking for flame, it's my way of adding to my opinion. It could even be a change of decision. It was never my intent to flame.

      Accept don't forget, this is Purge's application, not yours ;)
    20. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Guess you didn't understand that.

      For a start I know it's his application, I'm just defending him because you're not supporting him mainly because he asked for a rating when literally you did the same exact thing.


      If you're going to call him immature about it then that must mean that you're being immature as well? Like I said talk to me on discord because this is just creating a flame war on his application.

      If your not looking for any flame at all then why do you have to comment on HIS application numerous times just being negative about everything?
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