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  • Re: Survival & 1.8

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by monkeyfunk, Jun 21, 2014.

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    1. monkeyfunk

      monkeyfunk Active Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      After seeing a thread about Survival -maybe- restarting, I decided to post my own ideas/conjectures as to what will/should happen.

      The world border is approximately +/- 15,000 blocks in the X and Z coordinate directions from spawn, currently. Of course, the real coordinates are a little off from that since spawn is around X:200, Z:200.

      The server generates what are called 'chunks' (a 16x256x16 area of land) as a player approaches non-generated terrain. These chunks are generated according to a set algorithm found within Minecraft code (or a plugin's, as is sometimes the case). Already existing land cannot be simply "updated" because it is already generated.

      With the 1.8 update the algorithm is tweaked, slightly, from the 1.7 algorithm. So, here's what I propose and/or expect to happen. I mean, Noobcrew and Cyp are pretty smart guys considering the network of servers they have formed, so I would assume they already thought of this.

      Since people have worked hard to build many great things in the Overworld, and only a small fraction of the world has even been generated due to the very small border (relatively), simply expand the border to, say +/- 30,000 blocks! That way, all the new awesome stuff can generate, and everyone can still save their builds. (And, this anticipates possible future updates to world-generation – the border can simply be expanded each update).

      Now, trekking an additional 15,000 blocks is a real chore, so (and this part is optional) perhaps there could be an admin (i.e. non-player, server) warp set down at X:20,000 Z:20,000, or something similar, so that we can access the new world aspects with ease.

      With this proposed plan of action, everybody wins. The world is still kept to a small-ish size (to reduce server lag/latency) and we get to keep our stuff and explore the new terrain.

      Thoughts? Please discuss!
      Last edited: Jun 21, 2014
    2. Buntobaga

      Buntobaga Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      I agree with the whole thing, but make the border 40/60k. It's easier then :)
    3. monkeyfunk

      monkeyfunk Active Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      Why do you say that?
    4. Buntobaga

      Buntobaga Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      You can walk 15k in like 12 minutes.
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