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  • I miss the old days [LONG]

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by Itaaaaaa, Jul 28, 2018.


    Too long?

    1. Yeah.

      7 vote(s)
    2. God, you spent 20 mins on this thing?

      7 vote(s)
    3. Spend some time doing something else, sheesh

      2 vote(s)
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    1. Itaaaaaa

      Itaaaaaa Experienced Member

      Aug 18, 2016
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      TLDR- I miss what Mv once was.

      Dear Mineverse,
      Do you remember how we met? I was on an endless hunt for another server to latch onto. I had checked out around 15 other servers none which had really quite taken my fancy until I found out about you. I'm not sure when I arrived, but I remember the server only being skywars. The chat was constantly flooded and the world was new and fresh. Eventually though, you branched out into other areas. Even experimented with the now immensely popular bedwars at one point. I hadn't played that mode much, I stuck to creative. Most of the "og" players were on KitPvp I was told, but, I flocked to creative and joined some 200 players. Your old creative had some problems. Griefing was far too easy, spam was a major issue, "roleplays" as they were called were all in public chat, so if 2 players happened to line up with the same name there would be issues, and no one really knew what they wanted to do. But, none of that stopped me from trying you out anyway. People were experimenting with whatever they wanted. Clubs, truth or dare, head shops, god shops, banner shops, large scale build sales and Rps, which, I'll get into later. People spammed chat with the same things, did the same dumb things and overall just had some fun. Oh the sweet times of being in a new community. No one really knew how precious these moments would be, but they were truly some of the most fun times I'd had on a server. If only we knew how precious they'd be. I'd soon grow to try out making large headshops. My first one, was garbage. I wont lie. Only about 50 heads and a basic all wood design with a fountain in the middle. It was even back in the days where you could do /head [IGN] on players without ranks and be given a head from the magical mighty server. My sister and I learned how to advertise effectively, not spamming too much where we were irritating to the chat, but enough to where people noticed us. Things were simple then, nothing much to the server at the time. Nothing beat the times where you were new, and fresh, and part of something completely different than what you'd experienced before. Then, I had started growing into the Rp community. I was then thrown back into the circle of joining a competently different community all over again. I started playing with you more and more, and playing my other games less and less.

      You sure have changed a lot since then. From then onward, I developed a great interest in Mineverse. After learning a bit of everything from the server and learning simple role playing things like plot structure and character development. Lots of things changed over time, thought mainly in the community. We didn't get many developer updates back then, only the odd block addition or feature. People would continually improve what they had and improve what they wanted to make. Your provided an endless pool of entertainment that was easy to learn, was completely free and only ever asked for a rank every now and then. I thought we were a good match. Everything I seemed to do on the server let me hang out, meet new people ( all things i hadn't done too often in the real world ) and just be myself. I got a bit popular here and there. People on the server started knowing my name "Ita". Particularly in the Rp communities. I had grown a confidence in myself that nothing else had really ever given me. It seemed everything was perfect for me. Day after day, month after month came and I came to a sudden realization. You weren't changing at all. Nothing really came out of you for a while and it was becoming very strange that we hadn't had too many updates after all this time. Time passed and the novelty of your existence had begun to fade. People became annoyed toward the mods, irritated at each other, and angry at noobcrew. Things started going out of control. Script kids hopped on and started using more than just the "Download a client" button, rather resorting to Ip tracers and password crackers. Plus, without any real way to stop them ( reported giving away personal info HAD to be done by the person themselves ), I, while understanding the threat, couldn't protect the people who didn't. I became frustrated, after all the time I had spent online, I felt like I couldn't do anything and simply had to be a big sign saying "Dont do [X]". Which, no one payed a hint of attention to. I knew Mv like the back of my hand and suddenly, I felt like like I had 6 fingers this whole time.

      I think Mv lost something in this stage. All the sudden, I felt a strong disconnect with you, as you were now basking in an ever growing twilight and becoming extremely stale and stagnant. I saw every flaw though, and wanted to push them away. I wanted to push beyond what I saw as a temporary setback against your reign. I wanted to see you for what you were in my heart. I couldn't shake the fact that my favorite server had become an all you can eat buffet for people to simply mess around and harass other people. I didn't want to slide in with the rest of the server and you were becoming less fun for me. Down and down i went, dealing with the same people and the same techniques. I gave up. I told myself I wouldn't go back to you, but like a kid in a desperate relationship, I came crawling right back online. I repeat this cycle until my friends had enough. Just like me.

      Dear Mineverse,
      I've grown up since we first met. I've matured and I've moved on to other things. I don't like what you've become. You've had one large change and its hardly an improvement. I've played on the new creative and I know that its not worth my time. I miss the old times where we could play together and have fun in a community that was new and growing at the time. A community that wasn't constantly screaming and being angry all time time. So, I've moved on, but I do miss the old times.

      TLDR- I miss what Mv once was.

      Im going to miss you.
    2. BrainStormBlitz

      BrainStormBlitz Experienced Member

      Sep 3, 2016
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      Don't we all But the main reason simply is: we find better games.
    3. abbie

      abbie receptionist Premium

      Aug 1, 2017
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      Aww this was sweet and sad. Things and people come and go. Ive been here since late 2014 and I have seen the server go down a lot. BUT I have to say that most of the people that play are very kind and are fun to hang out with. It would be amazing to see the server go back up in player count but I'm fine with it now. Keep on to those memories of the past and make new ones. Thank you for this thread it brought back some great memories. Hope to see you around.
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    4. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
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      I think the server may need some new faces as a part of the admin team and also somehow get more players
    5. Zaldoria

      Zaldoria Experienced Member

      Sep 28, 2014
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      everything crashed down when they started resetting gamemodes (mainly opprison)
    6. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      This just described my adventure here. 100% accurate
    7. get help

      get help Active Member

      Jul 5, 2016
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