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  • NA JazzMagic's Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by JazzMagic, Jun 25, 2018.

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    1. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      JazzMagic's Moderator Application


      Hello guys! I'm sure some of you know me as JazzMagic, as suggested by my forum and in-game usernames. I am currently 18, 19 in five days when writing this, and I have been playing on this server for a really long time. I really enjoy playing on Mineverse, so I am applying so I can do whatever I can to help the server to keep rolling strong!

      I know that I have never been the most well respected person due to the posts and things that I have said in the past, however I hope that if I do not have your respect that this moment, that I can earn your respect now, because the past is the past. I also do not have that many reports, but I have recently obtained recording software on my school laptop (Minecraft actually runs better on the laptop than my desktop), so you will start seeing me do more reports. I know that is a concern of many of you reading and considering this application. I also mainly play on OP PvP, however I am branching to the other gamemodes more and I hope to see you online.

      Anyways that is a little bit about why I decided to seriously apply for this position, and some other things I added that would not really fit in on the application now onto the application itself.

      In-Game Name

      Pacific Standard Timezone (PST)
      Country of Residence
      United States.
      I only speak English fluently.
      Means of Capturing Evidence
      Bandicam for video, and F2 and Imgur for screenshots.

      Why should I be a Moderator?
      This is arguably the most important section of a moderator application, so allow me to go through the qualities I have that will make me a great moderator, in my opinion of course.

      In my opinion, this is the most important trait that any moderator should have. If I become a moderator, I will not use the permissions granted to me to do anything else besides assisting me in the job that I am required to do. Also, I will not grant anyone access to my account, no matter what. A staff member needs to be trustworthy, because they need to keep the server running smoothly, and I know that I can be trusted by anyone who logs onto Mineverse.
      I am sure this is a trait that many of you have never seen on a moderator application. The internet is a great place to be, I have been on it for a very long time. While the internet is good, there are equally just as many, if not more awful things that go along with it, and this includes some people who use it. Minecraft multiplayer is no exception to this, in fact there are many players who are disrespectful and toxic. I am a person that is not affected by such behaviors. I have worked over the years to respond less to such insults, and I still have things I can improve on. Point is, I won't let these people deteriorate me from moderating, and I will remain focused on the task at hand. I am not afraid to hand out punishment to anyone who deserves such punishment. A mod once called me an "Iron Fortress" on here and they're not wrong, in fact anyone who logs onto this server is not going to get inside my head.
      Not Bias
      If I become moderator, I will allow NO ONE to control how I do my job, unless it's a higher up staff member of course. I have seen to many instances of moderators treating certain players better than others, and simply allowing others to control how they moderate. This is not me. I am not afraid to punish any rule breaker , and I mean any. I will help out any players with questions, regardless of rank and/or popularity on the server, and I definitely won't let any players "lobby" me. I also have no connections to really anyone on here, so I really have no one to favor anyway.
      Yes, in the past I would let toxicity run out of my mouth because I thought I was a super cool PvPer. I wish I never said any of that, because there is a human on the other side of that screen. Human kindness is something that the world lacks at the moment. I respect everyone I talk to, and I avoid ad hominem arguments all together because it's pointless, it's only a video game at the end of the day. I like receiving kindness myself, so that is why I try to be kind to everyone I interact with, in game or in real life.
      I have been on this server way longer than the average person, so I have a pretty good concept on how things work around here. I know what commands I would be given if I were to become a moderator, and I know very well what each one does, and how I can use them to assist me for the job. I know what I and/or someone else needs for evidence to be valid proof against someone. I also know the general idea of what perks each rank has, so I can easily detect someone who is doing something that shouldn't (i.e. fly hacks), and to also help someone with commands they do have access to.
      Hacker Detector
      I have played on PvP servers for many years, so detecting a hacker is almost like second nature to me. I can usually tell within seconds if someone is using kill aura and/or any other hack. I can also have a good guess at if someone is using a ghost client or something along those lines. I also know how to screenshare people if I need to do that (I know it's not in the job description). So when I'm online, I can have my video recorder ready and spend some time catching some hackers, so people don't have to spend their time making a report, and having a little bit of time for a moderator to get to it. Players should be focused on playing the game instead of worrying about confronting and reporting cheaters.
      As I previously mentioned, I have been on the server for quite awhile now, so I know the ins and outs about mostly everything, so I can be quite helpful for when someone has a question. I will also go great lengths to make sure that I can help a person, even if it's getting someone who is a higher up that can help a person if I am not able to do it myself.
      Willing to Learn
      I spent most of this section talking about what I already know and my actions, but the reality is the fact I do not know everything. I do know a lot about what I want to get myself into and what I would need to do if I was put in the situation, but I still have a lot to learn. If I am accepted as moderator, I will take every chance to learn how to do my job better, and be open minded to the criticism that I WILL receive, because I will make mistakes, every moderator in the past has, and every moderator in the future will to. What makes a good moderator is one that recongizes their mistakes and never make those same mistakes again.

      Expected Amount of Activity
      I can be on most days, and I will be on for at least a hour doing my responsibilities, and not slacking off. This is a bare minimum however, I will be striving to be much more active than that. My activity will be more during the weekends, however some nights I am unable to log on because I work night shifts at my job. As for the forums, I can easily check them while on my phone at pretty much anytime.
      Mineverse Experience
      I first joined this server in the summer of 2013 when my friend Crazyredd77 showed me this server and we were playing Kit PvP and Skyblock Warriors (Skywars) like the complete noobs that we were. While he did not stick around, I have stayed for the past five years, and it is really the only Minecraft server I ever play on nowadays. With this said, I generally have a good idea of what my responsibilities are as a moderator on this server, and just how Mineverse works in general.

      Past Bans
      Unfortunately for me, there have been two instances of me being banned, once on the forums and once on OP PvP:

      Forums Ban
      In September of 2014, shortly after I got my first forums account, I was hosting a parkour tournament where I was hoping to bring a lot of people in and record it for YouTube, just like the show "American Ninja Warrior". Since I was bringing people from multiple servers together, I had my friend host a small server on his computer. While thinking that it was totally okay, I posted the IP to said server in a spoiler box with a disclaimer. Obviously, I was banned for advertising. I later appealed the ban trying to explain that my intentions were not to advertise a server trying to compete with Mineverse, the whole purpose why we even have the advertising rule. After six months of trying to get unbanned, my appeal did get accepted by Cyp himself, but I never regained access to my old account. So, the account I use today is actually the account I made to appeal the ban.

      OP PvP Ban
      This is probably the more serious out of the two bans that I have received. In May of 2016, I was PvPing the former moderator, NoMoreSanity. He ended up beating me, and I was angry, so I straight up told him that he needed to spend more time moderating instead of playing on the game mode. Understandably, he banned me for two days, because the things I said were disrespectful. I appealed it because I thought I had a valid opinion about moderating versus playing the game mode (which I still believe that moderators should spend most of their time moderating while online), and the words that came out more disrespectful than I have intended, because I was mad that I had lost in a PvP fight. After explaining our sides of the story, he accepted my ban appeal and I was unbanned early.

      This is just the gist of what happened with these bans. If you would like further explanation, and/or screenshots of the ban appeals. Please message me privately.

      Moderating Experience
      I would say that I only have one formal server that I was a moderator on. It was a server on the decline, and it had an average of 25 players on during the prime of the day. It was a factions server, so I mainly watched chat and recorded hackers when need be. I was the moderator that people would go to to ask if someone was hacking, and I banned quite a few hackers that came on the server during the time I was mod.

      I also owned and managed a lot of smaller servers that barely had anyone join them, however through these experiences, it gave me the knowledge of almost every command that a mod would ever need to know. I will use this knowledge to assist me to get the job done in the most professional and efficient way possible.

      Requirements for Moderator

      50+ Post Count

      Two Factor Authentication

      Two Weeks Registered on Forums

      Skype and Discord
      Yes, if you would like to add me, feel free to pm me.

      If you do not support me, please list your reasons, and I will work to improve those things in myself. Thank you taking time out of your day to read and consider this application, have a nice day!

      Support - 6
      Neutral - 6
      No Support - 1

      Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
    2. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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    3. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support
    4. abbie

      abbie receptionist Premium

      Aug 1, 2017
      Likes Received:
    5. Simons4u

      Simons4u Well-Known Member

      Jan 27, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, good luck!
    6. Koreancurry

      Koreancurry Active Member

      Mar 27, 2018
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    7. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Thank you for responding.
    8. Voxygen

      Voxygen Experienced Member

      Dec 7, 2016
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      Full Support GL!
    9. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Support, you'd make a great mod.
    10. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Thank you both!
    11. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      I was a bit harsh. Changing to neutral as you’re active, but I just would like to see what you’re like as a person
    12. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Thank you for reconsidering, Sniff.

      Edit: I can't edit the mod app now because its over 15000 characters.
    13. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      You sure?
    14. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      I had the same problem on one of my applications. Basically, you’re going to want to get rid of unnecessary spaces, unnecessary characters (like your lines in between things), and shorten your answers where possible. (Like, when it asks for your ign, simply put “JazzMagic” instead of the whole sentence.)
    15. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Exactly, I put it into Google docs before I posted it and said it was under 15000. When I tried posting it here, I got the error message.
      I will do that, thank you.
    16. Sheshy

      Sheshy Moderator Moderator Competition Team

      Sep 17, 2015
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      Neutral, I’ve rarely seen you talk and see you afk a lot.
    17. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I will work on being more active in chat, thank you for your feedback.
    18. extender

      extender Experienced Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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    19. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
      Likes Received:
      no thanks
    20. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for your opinion.
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