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  • EUR oneSquad's Moderator Application (SG - MY)

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by onesquad, May 9, 2018.

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    1. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
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      oneSquad's Moderator Application
      Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 20.47.12.png
      ⇛ Your in-game name:
      (namemc me)

      ⇛ What timezone are you in?
      Singapore + Malaysia (GMT+8)

      ⇛ What country do you live in?

      ⇛ What languages do you speak?
      I am from the US, and live in Asia.
      I speak English, Spanish and Chinese.

      ⇛ Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?
      I use Quicktime player as I play on my MacBook Air, I like to use this software as it is easy
      to use for Macbook and I can easily upload quick. I use Gyazo for my screenshots.

      ⇛ Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I have been playing Mineverse since the start of it when they only had a few game modes and I am one of the few people from the early days of Mineverse that still play, I continue to play on this server as it is fun and I always enjoy playing on it, I have now matured and I think that I am capable of applying as a moderator, I have plenty of experience, I have loads of experience with usage of moderation commands. Here are further examples of my key goals and aspects which I will show during my time as a Moderator.

      I am very trustworthy, you can trust me on the server and online, on the forums. I don't tell anyone private information that will affect anyone when dealing with reports, and appeals. I am private myself so I will keep it that way for other people, I am trusted on the server when I do trades and deals, I show good behavior of trust in game, I try to be trustworthy whenever I can, players in-game and online the forums can trust me, when I deal with the reports and appeals I will not tell anyone about them and deal with them in the way that I am supposed to, With trust it is something that you can lose so I highly respect trust as one of my top choices.

      I am very helpful in-game and throughout the forums I try to respond to all help messages and deal with them as much as I can, I am very helpful in-game as I help new players with the starting commands and how to play such as in OP-PVP there are usually new players that I tell them how to use the commands and help them. Whenever a player needs help online and on the server I will always try to do my best to help them and make sure the players are fine, helping people will lead the server to be better and help them to get more knowledgeable so it helps everyone out. I am also helpful when it comes to reports as I can record and I try to record hackers whenever I can as I love to help the server get rid of the hacker problem.

      I always try to be reliable, Reliable means 'consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.' and that is one of the key points that you need to be a moderator. Showing my qualities and performance in-game and for me to be trusted is a very good thing to have, without being reliable you cannot be a moderator. There is a big thing with being a reliable player as people can use you can they know that they can rely on you when you are there, if I become a moderator, I will show myself in-game as being a reliable source for player, On the forums being reliable can help as you need to be reliable for evidence during reports, ban appeals and whether to accept a ban appeal, or a report and go through with the ban or with accepting the appeal. When players can rely on you in-game, you feel something which makes you feel good like someone is using you as someone they know can help and make the server a better place overall, that's why I think I could help the server.

      Being mature everywhere is a key aspect of life and in-game and basically wherever you go. When I was younger on the server I made bad choices and I have really changed into a very mature person which can help, I have a job in real life and I am trusted and I have been told that I have gotten very mature. Maturity can help you a lot in-game as it is a key aspect that you need to have, when dealing with a foolish or unmatured player that is making fun of someone you need to deal with in and just step up, don't stoop down to there level, becoming a mature player was a great achievement and helped me in life, I think that when I become Mature, I have done something and I have succeeded in helping myself to become a better player, This will help me when I become a moderator and I will show this throughout of the forums and in-game, and that's how I have changed from the past to me, the new me. This will be a great expectation of mine and I thought hard to myself how I have changed.

      I am very active throughout of the forums and in-game, I play the most that I know of and most of the time see a lot of players come and go, this is something that is very good that I can do because at my school we can use our laptops for our lunch periods and breaks. So I can go on 2 hours during the school day and also 4 hours after school, this will be a key aspect that will help me on the server to show that I can be trusted and have the willingness to become a moderator on Mineverse, as I love playing on the server and have watched it age through the years. Being activity is not only one thing it is about knowing when your online and how you can help, if you are a very active player from my point of view you are not someone who games too much, you are someone who loves the game and wants to support it in every way possible like I do. I can be active on the forums more than on the game as I am usually on the go and always have notifications turned on my phone I will be able to respond to ban appeals, reports considerably fast and make sure that they get dealt with to make Mineverse a better place and a better server in general.

      I am very honest when it comes to life in general, I think a person that is not honest is not living out life as they should, Being honest is one thing to different people but I think it is a key thing in general. Honesty is a key aspect and can help you throughout everything. Honesty means 'the quality of being honest.' which from my point of view can be a good point to have, I hate lying to people and I hate when people lie, Honesty is a great thing to have and you can use it wisely in-game and on the forums, when it comes to reports I will always go through them to the fullest extent possible and make sure that I am honest and check that they are breaking the rules of my knowledge, I will be honest and not lie when dealing with things in-game and throughout the forum. Honesty is a part of my heart that believes that you shouldn't lie to people and that you should continuously become a better person each time you reach your goal of becoming an Honest person/player.

      Kind and Caring
      If you know me, I am one of the most kind and caring people that you will meet and I love to care for other people and not only myself, for example, in-game I meet new players all the time and I always help them and I am always kind and caring towards them because doing that in-game will put a better picture on the server and will make the new players want to keep playing and they will enjoy the server as much as I do and the rest of Mineverse does. To be kind and caring is a very nice thing that a human can have and to care for someone is an achievement cause you make them feel nice and make them continue to play with us, being kind puts a great image on the server and myself as it reflects off me.

      I am a very experienced Minecraft player as I have run various servers in my Minecraft lifetime. I currently run a KitPVP server, I am an admin on an OPPVP aswell and a minigames server. I have a lot of experience with commands and how to use them which will make me a great help to new players also, with my experience with the commands (/ban, /kick, /tempban, etc) I have the knowledge of how to use them and when to use them, from playing Minecraft for a long time I can judge a hacker from a guy that is just very good at PVP, and this comes in a key point of coming to a Moderator.

      Becoming a Moderator
      I have become Moderators of different servers before and with that I carry the experience, I have knowledge towards this subject, Moderation is a hard task, and it dealt with the activity of looking and the forums and then reflecting that with mixing with the player in-game and making yourself known to show that you can be a great moderator and player, I will always be a community kind of guy and love to continuously chat with different players throughout the day and on discord. When I became a moderator for the first time I had to accept the task of the responsibility, of it. Becoming a moderator is hard and easy to adjust to and I have made that adjustment and love to mix with different servers and try harder every day to make my knowledge better and have a better community feel by greeting and knowing and talking to players and welcoming new players.

      Being responsible is a big task and is not for some people. Remember, being responsible is a huge thing when becoming a part of a big server and having the knowledge of knowing how to deal with responsibility and the task that is in hand with helping the server. Responsibility is 'the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.' Which is a great term to memorise and know every day, being responsible in-game and throughout the forums is something that you have to get used to and I have gotten used to it and I have learnt waking up with the definition in my head, this is a very key aspect that you need to know in a role of being a moderator.

      ⇛ How long can you be active on the server every day?
      I can be active on the forums and in-game more than a lot of players can as I have a lot of free time, and I like to use in this way and I like to player on Mineverse as my number one server to play on. I love to dedicate my time to this server and I think Dedication is a key part of becoming active on the server, I can be active on the server from;

      Monday 3-6 hours online forums and in-game

      Tuesday 3-6 hours online forums and in-game

      Wednesday 3-6 hours online forums and in-game

      Thursday 3-6 hours online forums and in-game

      Friday 3-6 hours online forums and in-game

      Saturday 5-7 hours online forums and in-game

      Sunday 5-7 hours online forums and in-game

      ⇛ How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I am one of the oldest players on Mineverse and I joined when there were only a few servers on Mineverse (around 5 years ago) and I instantly loved it and became addicted to it and I joined the forums on the Oct 23, 2013, and was the 303 player that joined forums. I was also one of the first Titan ranked players on the server and also donated for the top rank back in the day which was Supreme.

      ⇛ Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      Yes, but I highly regret those actions and never meant it. This was all when I was younger and before I matured as I talked about above in the key aspect of Maturity.

      ⇛ Other Information
      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes
      Do you have 50 Post Count? Yes
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? Yes
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? Yes
      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication? Yes

      Thank you for reading my application,

      Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 20.47.12.png

      EDIT: I am focusing to play on OP-PvP and other pvp related gamemodes, making more reports and finding hackers. I chose OP-PvP because it is one of the most played gamemodes on Mineverse and is one of the key gamemodes.

      Support (19) - No Support (8) - Neutral (5)
      Last edited: Aug 26, 2018
    2. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
      Likes Received:

      (+) Experienced.
      (+) Good Application.
      (+) Kind, friendly and awesome in general.
      (+) Active.
      (+) Beneficial playing times.
      (+) Can speak multiple languages.

      I would advise you to work on reports but other than that it would be great to see you on the team.

      Goodluck Desired!
    3. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Thank you for replying.
    4. abbie

      abbie receptionist Premium

      Aug 1, 2017
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      Love the application!
      Good Luck!
    5. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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    6. Conquest

      Conquest Active Member

      Mar 13, 2017
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      Neutral, once I see you on other game modes more often I'll support.
    7. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Thank you taking the time to read my application.
    8. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
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      What game modes should I be more active on? I currently play kitpvp2 and OP-PVP the most and then occasionally Skyblock and Prison.
    9. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
      Likes Received:
      Play more on prison :)
    10. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support

      Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 8.48.26 PM.png
      This is relatively recent. You seem rather incoherent here, so usage of punctuation would help. If you become a staff member, I don't want to really see you being "bribed" to break forum/in-game rules just because of personal benefit. You have not addressed your recent behaviour in your application.
      ^ How fluent are you in Spanish and Mandarin? Is English your first language?

      Sentences do not make sense. Other examples I could quote but I suggest you just read it. Length is not the key to an application either. It is also about how concise, accurate and compelling your application is.

      Now as far as forums activity goes, you're not that active. Just take a look at your recent activity and the span of that. I'm not encouraging you to post farm, but records don't lie.

      In-game activity: 3-6, 4-7 hours? Are you kidding me?

      By the way, /ban is not a power available to Moderators.

      Joined in 2013...
      You don't need to tell people your rank. It shows that you're trying to use that as leverage to get a higher chance of being a Moderator.

      Ban records
      Could you explain further on why you were banned, and when you were banned?

      ^ This is very recent. I understand that you are frustrated that a person is putting in a very sloppy application, and he has applied 3 times in a month. However, if you are to be a staff member, this kind of response and behaviour is absolutely abhorrent. This is a show of unfriendly and rude behaviour, opposite of what you claim to be in your application.

      These are the reasons why. I hope you take those into consideration.
    11. Conquest

      Conquest Active Member

      Mar 13, 2017
      Likes Received:
      How much do you play op pvp? I've barely seen you on there recently.
    12. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
      Likes Received:
      Same I never see you on op pvp.
    13. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
      Likes Received:
      First of all, read the report before you talk about it, understanding that he was talking about a player called kys and was not bribing me, I didn't even take the money as shown in screenshots on the report.
      + Secondly, I said that because he was very rude to me in-game and I said that as he has applied more than 3 times so far, all being rejected for copying, I told him to stop applying as it is creating spam.
      + I have read through it and the sentences do make sense.
      Thanks will take your reply in account and try fix what you send in-game and on the forums in your opinion.

      What timezone do you play on I pay 4-7pm and throughout the day early. UK TIME
      Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2018
    14. Conquest

      Conquest Active Member

      Mar 13, 2017
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      I'm british, on alts pretty much all day.
    15. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
      Likes Received:
      You only just came back, neutral for now.
    16. Grooties

      Grooties Active Member

      Oct 4, 2017
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      Support all the way. xDesired is an active (most of the time), friendly, and helpful player. I've personally never seen him swear or be rude to anyone. He would make a great moderator.
    17. lokadd

      lokadd Experienced Member

      Aug 18, 2017
      Likes Received:
      Support man! good luck!
    18. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Thank you for your reply! See you in-game.
      Last edited: May 12, 2018
    19. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
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    20. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Based on what I have seen from other players comments and some research on my own, I will be saying Neutral leaning towards No Support. Simply because I ever recall you making a recent report, or being active on the forums or In-Game. I can't really talk about In-Game Activity because I was out for a decent amount of time. Simply show me you can be active on the forums and with reports, then you got my support. Good luck & best wishes.
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