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  • NA ☯☯MidNightGaming_8's Mod Application ☯☯

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by its_tuber, May 8, 2018.

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    1. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Hello, I'm MidNightGaming_8 welcome to my mod application.

      Your in-game name:


      What timezone are you in?

      East(Eastern Time)

      What country do you live in?

      The United States of America

      What languages do you speak?


      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software,
      screenshots, etc)

      Yes, I can easily take screenshots and I'm currently using bandicam.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I think that I should become a moderator because I'm very knowledgeable about Minecraft and mineverse, as I have been playing both for a very long time. I also want to be able to help the mineverse community by becoming staff. I'm very active on forums and in game. I think a good trait for a moderator is to be very active. I also really care about the mineverse community and I want to be able to help make the community better and less toxic.

      Reliable and Responsible

      I'm a very quick and responsible person when it comes to working, ill will always do my best on anything I'm asked to do and I will do the job well yet at a fast pace. This is a great trait for a moderator because players will always be asking questions about the server (etc), I'm a very hard worker and I'm very good at doing chores and completing things on time. If i ever get into the staff team one day ill be willing to help anyone out with any questions (etc)


      I’m a person that is willing to help anyone in need ingame, on forums or rules. I know a lot about mineverse including its community and rules (etc) I will also help people by giving them stuff in-game to help them get started. i'm always willing to learn new things about the server and community.

      Friendly and Caring

      I’m a mostly overall kind and caring person to everyone. Someone times I will have bad days sometimes and i'll still try to be positive to other people and to the community. I'm normally very calm and friendly to everyone. I will answer anyone question to the best of my ability i'm a very patient person. If you ever see me in-game feel free to say hi or ask me any questions.

      Honesty and Trustworthy

      I'm a very trusted person on mineverse. I feel like lots of people can trust me to do things for them. I'm a very honest person. I hate to lie and if I ever do lie I will confess that what I did was wrong.


      I will always try to be kind to EVERYONE as much as possible. I'm kind and respectful to other people around me and i will always try to make my self and others in a positive mood. If
      Anyone asks me a question and I don’t respond i'm normally afk.


      Overall, im a very mature person online and in real life. I know the times when to mess around or to be serious. Mineverse is a great server for people to play tons of different game modes and to have fun with your friends. There is also a every important list of rules that everyone needs to follow. I have been following these rules even more and taking more seriously as iImature. I'm a person who can quickly switch from joking to being serious.


      I'm a very active player on mineverse and the forums. I play on almost every popular game modes such as prison, op pvp, and kitpvp2. Normally if i'm not online in doing something in real life or im at track and field. I have not been with the mineverse forums for a very long time. If anyone has questions about me or about my application, just msg me on discord MidNight#7758.

      How long can you be active on the server every day?

      Monday: 2-3 Hours

      Tuesday: 2-4 Hours

      Wednesday: 2-4 Hours

      Thursday: 3-6 Hours

      Friday: 4-8 Hours

      Saturday: 4-8 Hours

      Sunday: 2-6 Hours

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      I have been playing mineverse since 2013.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

      Yes for being rude/toxic, but I have matured from that and now I know not to be rude to other people and rude to the community.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      No this will be my first time as a moderator.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No

      Do you have 50 Post Count? Yes

      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? Yes

      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? Yes

      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication? Yes

      Thanks for taking the time to read my moderator application, Please feel free to give feedback. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my application :)

      Support - 1
      No support - 6
      Neutral -
      Last edited: May 10, 2018
    2. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      No support for the third time. If you’d like to know my reasoning, look at your last 2 applications.
    3. abbie

      abbie receptionist Premium

      Aug 1, 2017
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      I’m gonna be your first big old support!
      Same reasons from your last app!
      Good luck!​
    4. Burgerking_360

      Burgerking_360 Active Member

      Mar 3, 2016
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      Midnight! Stop it! Your a narcissistic sponge, stop applying... plz stahp
    5. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      stop making new applications, it won't give you an advantage.
    6. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      From most of your points I don't think you're very mature, respectful and trustworthy,

      You closed your first application in a complete disrespectful way and your second application got close for plagiarism.

      No support.

      (+) Active in-game and forums.
      (+) Reports.
      (+) Decent application.

      Now for the negatives;

      (-) You are very desperate as shown here; https://gyazo.com/18f7842104b682619220da640e63a8ca
      (-) Your behaviour at times is good but majority of the time it is really disrespectful.
      (-) Not very mature.
      (-) Can't take criticism as shown from old application.
      (-) You have been warned many times to merge posts.
      (-) Recent bans.
      (-) Cause a lot of arguments.
      (-) You say you are trying to make a change and to be nicer but it doesn't seem like it.

      This isn't to be mean or rude or anything but I hope that you can use this to try and improve and not just fake improving actually try improve. I wish you the best of luck but I personally don't think you are ready for the "Moderator" position.

    7. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      No support
      Do I really have to explajn why? It's pretty obvious
    8. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Ok thanks for feedback.
    9. Jarquisha

      Jarquisha Active Member

      Apr 19, 2018
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      No support reasons stated above
    10. DisPxtch

      DisPxtch Active Member

      Mar 9, 2018
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      No support, third application within 31days.

      This application has got points copied from your old application before this one, your 1st application you had closed in a rude manor because a staff member said "No support" This was the reason YOU yourself said in-game to me, your 2nd application was closed because you copied off of other applicants applications, same has been done with this one, copied off of the old one, you do not learn from your mistakes, you're immature, disrespectful, you ONLY know about Prison on the Mineverse server, which is not a good trait as you're only active on Prison while you're on the Mineverse server unless you're banned from it.
    11. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
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      I have deleted the posts that were flaming. Please do not argue here.
    12. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Ok, sorry and thanks.
    13. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      Yeah, no support

      Leme see
      • You flame on your applications
      • You "forgot" to put in the fact that your other was closed for being plagiarized
      • The only reason you started being nice was to get support on your mod application
      • You keep going to everyone asking to look at it
      • You can't tell hacks unless it's blatantly obvious
      • You're immature
      • Honestly I don't feel you're ready for the pressure
      • You lie

      I mean the list could go on, you're just not ready for this, you're first application, not a month ago you got closed with the msg "whatever close this idc" you're just too immature to be moderator.
    14. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Ok, thanks for feedback.
    15. BertBerry

      BertBerry Experienced Member

      Mar 29, 2016
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      As I wasn't here when you made your other 2 applications and from what I've heard from the others that they are plagiarized I'm going with no support. As I have some experience about how applications work in Noobcrew's servers (I'm from Skyblock.net) you should expect these kinds of feedbacks, the negative ones, the critical ones, and the positives one. You must face it all, not just reply with "ok thanks for the feedback" or get mad/sad at one's feedback. Also, I suggest only advertising your application on your profile post and signature (If its the same case as Skyblock) ONLY, other than that it seems like you are so desperate by asking people around to view and rate your applications and that is bad. They will have more reason to no support you because of that.

      As again for your previous applications being plagiarized that brings you even worse reputation and more reasons for people to no support you. It will also makes you more desperate for mod and that is something you do not want people to think of you. It shows people that you are incapable of creating your own, unique and 100% written application.

      Now for the maturity part that you've "written". I believe that is completely false judging from your past applications and your reaction to critical feedback. You cant just write I matured from last time. Maturity takes time and it doesn't happen with a snap of a finger or a few days. It might take months, heck even years. As also age doesn't matter so you are good.

      My advice to you, wait. Close your application and wait a few months and then you can apply again WITHOUT plagiarism. Or you would end up zero chance of getting moderator.

      So good luck...
    16. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
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      You cant do that, no support. Just stop applying please.
    17. Conquest

      Conquest Active Member

      Mar 13, 2017
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      Don't you realize you'll never get mod... it isn't a matter of trying again in the future, you'll never be suitable for mod.
    18. Ordi

      Ordi Mythical Member Premium

      Apr 23, 2014
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      I don't agree with most of these statements here, such as advertising your application on your profile post and signature because it's highly discouraged.


      I just learnt today that you have had a total of 3 applications within 31 days, which shows that you are desperate for the position. Sportings/Acceptation has already proven above that you wanted him to support your application, which is also proof that you're want this role badly. To me, it shows that you want to become a moderator uniquely because of the tag alongside becoming a moderator.

      For your understanding, I'd like you to know something really straight forward. You might ask for players to support your application, but in reality, they do not make the decision to your application. Your application are in the hands of the current staff members, not the community, but them. BUT, their decisions can be influenced by the community with their own reasons to why this applicant should be accepted or not accepted as a staff member. For that reason, asking for supports will lead you to nowhere if the users don't give any solid examples to why you should become a moderator. But even then, all decision stays in the hands of the moderators.

      As of my decision, it is clear to me that I continuously do not support any of your attempts at becoming a moderator as it seems you're doing it for the tag, like many moderators before you.
    19. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
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      I normally do not put extremely detailed feedback in moderator applications. Honestly, I rarely support/no support people. However, due to you making multiple applications, messaging moderators about your application, messaging me on forums to delete a no support who just expressed his opinion, and flaming on your application, I have decided to reply and give you my opinions and feedback so that you can possibly improve and have a better shot at becoming a moderator. So, here is my review of your application.

      1) There are multiple grammatical errors in your application. I do not expect it to be perfect, however I do suggest taking some time to review over your application and edit it.

      From what I have seen, and heard, your attitude in game does not match those two things you stated. You were just unbanned in game yesterday for too many warnings.

      With this being said, you knowingly break the rules then. You swear in chat (as evident by only getting unbanned yesterday for too many warnings), blackmail, flame, copy applications, etc. Knowingly and purposefully breaking the rules is not a good quality for a moderator.
      I am not trying to be rude, but you honestly do not have the best reputation in the community.

      Again, not being rude, but you do not have the reputation to match what you are saying.

      As a moderator, this is not a good quality/habit to have. Usually players need help in that moment, and it looks bad when a moderator does not respond to them. It makes them feel like they have been ignored.

      You disprove this one too. I have seen times when you have given someone a rating because you were upset that they gave you that rating. You copied someones application then got upset when it was closed. You also do not respond the best when the subject is brought up. I honestly have not seen any evidence of you being mature.

      As I have stated multiple times, apparently not since you were just unbanned.

      I don't even think I need to add a comment to this, but just in case I will. Bashing on the staff team is definitely not the way to get promoted or be seen in a better light.

      Honestly, the grammar in your application still does not match the grammar I have seen you use elsewhere, and this is definitely more detailed than I have seen on anything coming from you. I will say one positive. You are doing well with reports.

      I will be completely honest when I say you have a way to go before I would even consider you moderator material. I am not saying this to be rude, but you definitely need to take some time and work on changing your reputation in the community. You should take into consideration what everyone is commenting, and actually work on improving. Change does not happen overnight. Change also has to stay. You cannot only change for a week and then go back to your old ways because you haven't gotten promoted. I am not saying you can never do it, but you do have a lot to improve on. I wish you the best of luck.​
    20. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      He has talked to me and told me he only wants to be moderator because it's fun. @i_am_youtuber saw him say this aswell
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