Change back to the old host or change it to a host that's closer to australia.... sooner or later AU players won't be able to handle the lag and they'll just leave. Changing it as just cruel, it gave EU/US players better ping, (which wasn't needed), whilst giving AU players even worse ping... :(
Well multiple people were wrong, I've been keeping track of peoples pings for over a year, suddenly eu players went from 200 ping to 130, new yorkers went from 100 to 40. west coast went from 50 to 100
I support you Nex, it’s a good host in my eyes I’m getting better ping than most EU players... most EU get 110 while I get around 80-100 ping which is brilliant to me tbh although the lag in the blocks is horrendously worse now.
why are you playing on an american/eu server then? pretty simple fix just play on an au server. I'd rather play on an au server than play on mv with 400 ping
Tbh, just add an au host, but it's going to cost money. We don't have lots of it though. It's not like practice pvp where there's AU, EU, SA, NA etc... You may have to just live with it.
Nex, it is hard for a server to provide a host that's beneficial to all regions, with how little AU people play it isn't a necessity... It would be very hard for a USA based server to find a host able to give good/decent ping to East Coast USA, West Coast USA, Europe and Australia man, like very hard.
I mean your the one playing Minecraft, not my issue lmao and it’s not my fault that au host would make 75% of mv quit? If u were a server owner would u rather have 75% happy or 25% happy??
No support, while yes, it's worse for some people, it's much better for over 75% of the server. Stop complaining about this, I live with 600 ping...