Since everyone is getting reset anyway, maybe op pvp should reset, perhaps with a new spawn or a new map?
lol 100% support, but there's no doubt in my mind that no matter how much support this suggestion gets, they won't do it
I don't think this will happen. Why? Look at KitPvP. Players cried for months about getting a reset and when they got it, they only played for a few days and went back to the old KitPvP. Of course one option would be to reset OPPvP and keep everything the same way as it is, with the exception of the anti-cheat.
KitPvP isn't modern... nowhere near modern, it may be a "new" map, but it's old fashioned. OP-PvP needs something that resembles death and glory as OP-PvP is a combat game-mode so a death n glory map would be perfect in my opinion, the GTA map was a quick n simple download n install, nothing great about it.
I do think it is a good idea to reset Op PvP, however wouldn't there be severe gaps in the economy because the Titans would steamroll people who don't have s30's and p5 ub5 armour?
Kit OP is P5 Unb3, donor ranks have better armour (God and Titan) as they're higher ranks, removing the better unbreaking perk on the higher ranks then it's pointless tbh.