This isn't a flame war Youtuber, me and @Porky are stating obvious facts towards Midnight and he's getting angry, we're trying to explain his timezone is completely different to everyone else's, is it our fault he doesn't listen? No not really.
Ok i get my timezone is differnt but deadlypvp you brought up the stauff about saying i think you hack
Yes, I did bring that up, we're past that topic now, just have this closed, you've gone off-topic of where you was on about staff being inactive, creating threads for attention and replies to get Alerts 'cause you're a loner is pathetic imo, I've dealt w/ enough attention seekers to notice you're one.
I'm allowed to state my opinion. This is an open thread. Make a DM to who this is directly, if you're so clever. Edit: disliking my posts won't help.
By the looks of his accusations of me starting all this crap he's gonna say I created the thread lmao.
Thread locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The Staff