Hello fellow MV Players, you might be wondering what this thread is about. We'll let me tell you, this thread is the beginning of a Nation! A Clan! A Movement! #SkypeNation began like 1 hour ago from making this thread, but this is a dream I sought out to see for this clan. We will be the strongest, the best, the only clan here that will make mineverse even more great! We will ban all the hackers and rule breakers! We will make sure you have a enjoyable time here in the mineverse server! Our Founders of #SkypeNation! Are Myself @Skype & @Sportings If you made it this far in the thread, you. Yes you, have thought about joining the #SkypeNation! We would love to have you, if you want to apply simply say so. We don't deny any players from joining our Nation! Even if you a goat @i_am_youtuber . Here are our Current Members. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Founders - @Skype & @Sportings Admins - @Sparky & @Pastel &@Random Senior Member - @Cotner Members - @Gerken @Nubby @SniffMyToes @FearTheKlowns @Kiroes @lost Goats - @i_am_youtuber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for reading and taking the time for reading this thread! I hope you too can see what the future has in hold. This is No Longer a Dream, but a reality. "My Skype, your Skype, and Skype for all!" #SkypeNation!!!
no ty, i have goat things to do never gonna be as good as the @Chain army :P (Unless it's like an actual clan in kit or something, if it is count me in)