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  • Inactive -=-CotnerM's Moderator Re-Application-=-

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Cotner, Jan 26, 2018.

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    1. Xokah

      Xokah Experienced Member

      Jun 5, 2014
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      Cotner has been in the community a long time and has experience
    2. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Thank you respawns!!
    3. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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    4. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      Changing to support good luck!
    5. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Neutral, but edging to a support.

      - You should do more reports
      --> This sometimes has a correlation to your in-game activity. I hope you won't become like most of the staff team now, who aren't really that active. But I'm sure you have the commitment to be active.

      + Just read.
      --> When I was a Moderator, I made a mistake with a warning, and you immediately PMed me on forums to correct that. You did this while being respectful and had sound, logical reasoning. The attitude you had is enough to tell me you're a good candidate for this position.

      [ Honestly though, I believe that if you're active on a different server, and had the same commitment towards it, you would be better appreciated than on a... dying server (in many aspects) ]. Nevertheless, if this is what you think you want to do, I'd support you if you just get more active with reports coming in.
    6. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      I love how you’ve conveniently left out all the drama you caused promptly after your leave from this team here the last time you were staff.
      You were horrible Cotner. You harassed members here including myself and managed to get banned more than a few times(forums).
      • Disrespectful
      • Cocky
      • Mean
      • Immature
      • Rude
      Those are the words that anyone would have used to describe you after you left the team. I would like to hear your explanation for those actions then and why I should believe you have changed at all. Until then there is no way I would support you.
      Some of your disrespect:

      Absolutely no support.
    7. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Your point is very valid, and I'm curious here. I hardly know Cotner, and thus my one-sided opinion in his application. If you don't mind, @PiLe , could I ask, when did Cotner resign/get demoted?
    8. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      He resigned in July of 2016.
    9. Nubby

      Nubby Boss Member

      May 1, 2014
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      From what pile has said, I will no longer support this. Please prove that you have changed.
    10. Veronica

      Veronica Boss Member

      May 28, 2016
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      No support.
    11. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      It has been almost 2 years.
      It’s very possible he’s matured at least a little.
      I just want to make sure the old issues are addressed.
    12. Pink

      Pink Well-Known Member

      May 7, 2014
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      Come on guys. Pile wrote some things that happened almost 2 years ago, wait to give him another rating until he has proven if he has changed or not. You can change much in 2 years. That happened in 2016, and its 2018 now.
    13. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      I don’t blame you for no supporting I caused a lot of problems when I resigned and yes it was two years ago and I was at the age were I was just being plain stupid, rude, immature, cocky, and ect. Pile you were the one person on the Staff Team that I probably caused the most issues with because of what I did. I don’t expect a support or a Neutral from you from what you explained above and I don’t expect anyone to change their ratings from what they see. Now I will address why: The reason why I was so toxic after resigning is because once I resigned I thought I would never miss this community never come back never realize how much this community effected me. I was at the age of 15 when this was going on and I was friends with Rodeen which I’m not saying it’s her fault because all the actions I took I take full responsibility, but to have that name on mineverse at the time I didn’t care at all. Even though the point might be confusing and weird I honestly have no idea what I was doing I totally forgot about that and I want to apologize to you personally because of all the problems I caused I will change in my application that I was banned on forums. And I’m 17 now and looking back at the stuff I said was completely wrong. You stated that I was terrible...and I agree. I was stupid for doing that and people might just think I’m putting on a fake face for all of this but I truly want to help out this community. @Random and I have been talking lately and I’m sure she can back up what I’m saying by me wanting to help this community.

      Again sorry for all the trouble I made and becoming an annoying, Salty, rude, terrible ex mod. Pile you were the one person I went to when I had problems and I honestly regret resigning and you gave me more chances then I deserve. I understand if people don’t think I deserve this position but if this makes a difference then I’m so sorry. Two years has really made a difference and I’m saying this because the past two years I actually got my life together and stopped being apart of a toxic community. I have learned what it truly means to be mature. I have a job, I also have to manage my money, my college applications, and other IRL stuff. And I’m not saying just because of that I’m mature and what not. I’m just saying I’ve learned from all my mistakes. Again I’m sorry Pile for causing trouble and I’m sorry to all the ex staff that had to deal with my BS. Hopefully people can see past my immature stupid self and learn that I’m not that kind of person anymore after talking to me.

      Thank you, but if you can please read what pile said and then rate this that would be great. I know it probably will change this, but thank you for supporting.
      thank you Pink, and yes it was two years ago and I’ve been trying really hard to look past that and I appreciate you helping me.
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2018
    14. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Understandable. After everything I said I wouldn’t blame you, but if it helps I truly have changed and im willing to prove that as much as I can.
    15. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
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      I remember how salty Cotner was. I definitely did not like him, thought he was rude, arrogant, etc. I still remember getting into a teamspeak channel with him and telling him to stop being so toxic. Don't get me wrong, he was an amazing moderator while he was on the staff team, but completely changed when he left. The person he became two years ago after he left the staff team does not deserve to be a moderator.

      With that being said...The person Cotner is today deserves staff more than anyone. I have been speaking with him about the server and just things in general. Things that happened two years ago should not define who he is today. I made an abundance of mistakes when I left Mineverse, but I hope people do not hold that against me. Cotner has not been toxic since his return, from what I have seen. I constantly talk to him, and I can vouch for him and say he has definitely changed. He is truly an amazing person and he works extremely hard when he wants something. I know he can and will do great things as a moderator, like he did before. He is definitely very skilled in detecting hacks and just genuinely helping people. I am pretty sure he would be an amazing addition to the team and that he should be given a second chance. We have all made our mistakes in the past, but those shouldn't define us. He has definitely shown that he has changed and he hasn't been toxic since he came back, so holding something against him from two years ago when he has matured and changed doesn't seem right.

      I definitely still 100% support for Cotner. You deserve this as much as anyone else. You'll be amazing <3
      Last edited: Feb 18, 2018
    16. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Thank you random! I really appreciate the things you said and I’m thankful that you can see past my mistakes and I have changed for anyone that thinks I haven’t.
    17. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      I don’t hold any hard feelings over all that old stuff, but it’s something that needed to be addressed.
      Two years is a long time and a lot is different here now. There was a time when you made fun of how “dead” the server was almost two years ago. Not sure if you’ve seen the player count but I can assure you it hasn’t come up since then.

      Mineverse needs staff that actually give a .. We need staff who want to help this server because this server needs help. Actual help, and it’s not easy when you’re the only staff you see in game. It’s not easy when you get hate from these players when all you want to do is help.

      I know you know all this, but things are much different now.
      It’s not like it used to be. So if you want staff, be ready for that. Make sure you are wanting staff to help here and not to fulfill some old great memory of when you were on the team before because this place needs people who care about it. People who want to see mineverse last another year because it won’t if we don’t get staff in game.

      Anyway, thank you for addressing that old stuff. You’ve been reporting like crazy.
      I wish you the best of luck.
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2018
    18. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      I understand all the stuff your saying about Staff. And I truly do want to help the server. I notice not many mods go in-game and that’s a problem. I know I can be active as staff and I’m still trying to prove that. Thank you Pile for addressing that and understanding.
    19. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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    20. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      I commented before, but I see no reason why I shouldn't comment again. Honestly speaking, you are the most capable and suitable candidate for this position who's applying right now. To those who've read @PiLe 's comments and feel that Cotner is no longer a good candidate:

      I respect Pile's opinion. It's constructive, and there's no hard feelings. And as she did accept, Cotner resigned in 2016. While I may not have noticed his toxic behaviour then, I certainly believe that he changed so much. I already mentioned how Cotner's polite, prompt and knowledgable message in convo actually made a great difference in my moderating ability. Now, some of you may be saying, "Andrew, he may be faking it". Yes, that's always a possibility, but I say to you, give him a chance, just as you did for me.

      Some of the newer Mineverse members may not know, but I was quite infamous in Survival (WAY back then) for griefing, cheating, being selfish, etc. I applied for the Moderator position in late 2016, and I was given the opportunity. While some also pointed out my previous mistakes and behaviour, most still gave me the chance to prove myself because they saw my changes in character were sincere. I strongly support Cotner because I would like to pass that kind of spirit on.

      I don't just support him because he is going through the same kind of experience I went through 2 years ago. I support him because he has seriously made a huge change. Do give him the chance to prove himself. The same way the community did for me.

      Thank you.
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