Well then to fix this issue, it does not have to broadcast a message. It could just be when the player MSG's the Staff Member, and like I said in the thread reply with a Automatic Message. This would fix the "Hacker's Knowing when a Staff is AFK." As to the /staff problem, I do agree some hackers check the /staff and toggle hacks. Some hackers though and I believe this command / GUI was implemented for Player use too, for help and etc.
I never heard of a client that does that, yet again I don't really know much new clients. If this does happen, I don't really see a way to solve this issue. Let's keep On-Topic though, the Broadcasting message issue should be resolved from what I said above.
then any experienced hacker, like me, who knows about this could just message the mod and know the mod is afk and hack all he/she wants.
I do see what you are saying, but I don't really believe a hacker would go through all that trouble. Yes I do know you hack a lot. If this was a serious issue, they could remove this command or fix it in there own way.
I understand, hopefully the Developers could find a way to solve this issue. Do you have a way to fix it? If so I would like to here. I can add to my thread
No support, sorry. The fact of /afk will notify hacker that the staff member is afk and will use the opportunity to hack I don't play factions so I do not know if this valid, so if you're raidable your base is wide open if people know if you are raidable and if they were waiting for the /afk message.
how bout if /afk will register although the staff can turn this off and on not when the staff is moving or not. It can either mean they’re actually away from keyboard, to busy doing something for a sec, to the mod secretly moderating.. they can reply to msgs and keep their afk on as long as the reciever doesnt announce it..