Welcome, as you can see from the title this is a simple suggestion. Before we began, this suggestion was mainly brought to light by @Pastel This suggestion is mainly for Moderators but could be implemented for all Players if wanted. Command? /afk How would it be useful? It would be useful because when Moderators are AFK or have to go for a quick second, they could be spammed with a lot of messages. This could be seen as some people say "In-Active" but in reality it is just because they had to go for a short period of time. This would also be useful for players in the community as well. What I mean by this when a player needs help from a Staff Member, and they are currently unavailable. It could message the player "Sorry, this Staff Member is currently AFK. Please wait shortly" This will help with the Spam and could encourage players to make reports. In all reality it would be nice for the Staff Member and the Player needed. It wouldn't seem like the Staff Member is ignoring the player. Would this command be abused? I don't see this command being abused in any way. If this command is abused, the only reason I could think of is if the Staff Member "doesn't wanna deal with anything." All the other reasons such as "I have to go for a bit" , "Sorry, I need to help someone", and etc. Would this command spam the chat? (Example shown here. Image grabbed from google.) This could easily be changed, as it could be hidden from chat. Other people could see it as a indicator that, that currently Staff Member is Not Available at the time. If this is a problem with the Owners it just simply be hidden. How would this command be implemented? I don't know personally a lot of plugins and etc. What I do know is that if you have the plugin called "Essentials" which is a basic plugin, which a lot of servers do have. I know that this command is a feature there. It could be easily edited in the File Folder. Thank you for taking the time for reading this Suggestion! Have An Amazing Day and Take Care
Support. This would be highly helpful, to regular players or moderators. If you are afk and a player messages you, they can easily think you're ignoring them. With this it's easy and simple all around.
Support, great idea. But what if a player/staff member used it just so they wouldn't get messages from players? - Or would the command only work if you aren't moving?
Moderators already have this command on some servers. If they need it in other game-modes then I think they should just ask an administrator to implement it there.
Yeah I agree but also I included the a little extra thing. When a player messages the AFK Staff Member it will send them a message as shown above. Yeah this command was intended for Staff Members. Thanks!
When a player messages a staff member who has used /afk they already receive a message. It isn't new. ;d
Lets see staff types /afk all the hackers on come, You get the alert that the staff is no longer afk all the hackers get off. This would just be abused and used as another outlet for hackers to tell when staff are on and when they are not just like /staff