Alright, comment for a TBH this time I will be as in depth as possible; along with sharing my true feelings towards you and doing my best not to censor myself.
You've always come off as rather plain and don't stick out as a particularly memorable person in many ways, neither good or bad. If you'd like to change this opinion on you which is most likely wrong as I have had limited interaction with you feel free to contact me and I would love to chat. You've always came off as a kind person who does his best to avoid the negativity in life which is commendable in anyone. Other than that, I don't really know you all to well but if you'd like to change that feel free to contact me. I appreciate your taste in music a good deal, and you come off as rather kind and enjoyable to talk to. From our one conversation on Discord you come off as the stereotypical pre teen girl who plays Minecraft, which can be entertaining in some scenarios and extremely annoying in others. If this isn't the correct impression of you feel free to try to change it. You appear as someone who tries extremely hard to be liked without really being yourself, which isn't good if it's true. But like a lot of these, it's probably the wrong interpretation of your actions. I remember us being quite good friends around 2 years ago (crazy) and during that time we were quite similar people and got along quite well but since then we've both changed and developed into different people and went our separate paths. Which is no fault of our own. Because of this reason, I don't know if we'd get along all that well now. If you believe we could rekindle our friendship by any change, I'm open to the idea. Amelie, you are genuinely one of the best people I've ever met. In my life, not just on Minecraft. You have genuinely changed me as a person over this last year and a half we have been friends and you are truly a one of a kind person. I could go on but it would both be extremely long and not even come close to how much I appreciate having you in my life. From your profile pictures, you seemingly have very good music taste and from how you talk with others you are apparently quite laid back which is always a good trait and I wouldn't mind becoming friends with you.