Anyone have finals this month? I do and I am anxious for them to pass by. On top of that, I have a competition for my academic club end of the month
Wow, sounds like you got a lot on your table. What I do for finals just study and don't stress about it too much. Good luck though believe in yourself ! :D
I actually do have a lot. I have this video project that is due monday after break, couple tests, some homework assignments due and 4 finals. So yea its pretty hectic :P Thanks, Idk if that would help for my math, cause I have a D >_> and need a C to consider passing for college
You get 2 weeks??!!! Holy s*** :o I get like 4 days including the weekend lmaoo. Are you in college or what?
I'm one week into my spring semester. Good luck on your finals! Just study hard and I'm sure you'll do great. But don't push too hard, take some time to rest ;)