My suggestion is that each ip has a certain limit of accounts that can log into the server each day. -Only a # of accounts can login until the next day, or a certain specified time, as we all have different time zones. *I recommend the number be around 7, as most people (non-hackers) don't need that many accounts logged in.* -Once an account is logged in, it is allowed for the rest of the day. -After the limit is met, no more accounts are allowed to login accept for those that have already logged in that day. Benefits: -Less lag for the server -No longer hackers coming back like 20 times in one day -Prevent repeat-hacking spam with a large amount of accounts. -People on the same ip can still play together, where other suggestions limit it to only like 2 people per mini-game or server. Problems: -There is a very slight chance that like 11 different people on one ip would like to join. -I don't know how this will be implemented, created, or if it is created, but if this is possible, cool. -For those who have a vpn, this is easily bypassed.
No support i dont wanna change my ip to logon another alt thx that got added only on prison bc i abused vote parties with my alts