Recently my friend and I (Masonboy1) have bought a spawner. We bought a Cow spawner and only shows up as a pig spawner. We tested it out and put grass around it. It only spawns pigs! This is and issue because a cow spawner costs $5000 more than a pig spawner. It is not a giant issue but it would be nice if you could get back to us soon. Thanks for your help. -Flamin and Mason
A cow spawner is $50000 MORE THAN W PIG SPAWNER!!!!..... That's to much!!! (Start reading you post cause you never know what your talking about,you need to read,read the thread before posting,because you say wrong things and misunderstand the threads)
I don't ''misunderstand'' the thread. I am asking if he meant 50k instead of 5k. It was a question out of interest.
yeah but he said did the same with me. I made a thread about about how i died in prison and would like that way to stpp so ppl cant die that way then you said, Ares: Ok so this is telling us you died??? Me: No read the part: ,message to give Ok that saying was PLAIN DUMB... Read yur threads cause you said this once and i should have rated it dumb....but I didnt.
I read that message part actually. But you are making these pointless threads about nothing to get attention. And sorry but is it really that difficult for you to understand that all I really wanted to ask was if he made a typo?
If i am sounding mean i am sorry,very sorry I just wanted to state a point and tried not to sound mean. I will stop posting here to prevent any more trouble. Bye