Backstory This was a little stupid story I was day dream of, I just wanted to type it up and share it with you guys. Let me know your thoughts on this and if you think I should make other ones. Realization. September 11th - It was Monday, and everyone was called into the media center. There was a talent show going on at that time, and everyone was there. The second I woke up today morning I had this odd, strange feeling. It felt as almost a horrible incident was going to occur today. As the talent show was going on, the power went off. Now we had the janitor go to the power box and check what happened. About 15-20 minutes later he had not came back, so a few of the higher administrators went and check on him. They found drops of blood, and not a sight of the janitor. Now the administrators had not told anyone, and kept it. Everyone was in a state of confusion because of how long this had taken. As soon as the administrators get back, the doors shut immediately, and locked. Everyone now started to panic. Our phones were not working, nothing was working. All of sudden, we hear this loud screech, smoke bombs thrown in, and everyone coughing. All these large, rocky men surround everyone. Everyone froze, terrified. Now, a few years ago, my bestfriends, brother, and I had this laboratory. We had dedicated our time into working to create what is now a substance that only four people know where this substance is. It is known to be called the “the mysterious juice”. Now the “mysterious juice” was created by us. We had tested the juice, and it was as powerful as the military combined. Now this we had created four juices; Web-shooting, speed, strength, and the force with flying. A few months, we decided to create a device. This device was used to shoot webs without having to take the substance. Now this device was carried with me all the time and was in my backpack. I had set a few copies of this device all around my school, house, and places I go to on a daily basis. Now in one of many hiding spots, there was the device up in the corner up at the ceiling. Now I had none of my bestfriends or brothers with me to boost me up there. Keep in mind, these men had huge, HUGE guns. Now no one was capable of calling the cops, so I took matter into my own hands. I started to push my people around me to get these men to come grab us. They grabbed me, and this other girl. I slipped out the man’s hands, ran, jumped onto these stacked chairs, ran off the wall and snatched the device, and one of the guys, caught my foot, and swung me into a wall leaving me unconscious in the library. Now this device give my friends a little shock letting them know that one of the devices moved, and where it was. They all felt. My brother, and two of my bestfriends. They all called each other and decided to come check on where it was. Now when I woke up, I heard kids crying, screaming but no one could hear them. I gave myself a little boost, and put on those devices. I went crawling on the walls, looking for something to throw at the men. Finally, I had found a hockey stick. Now I peeked over the wall, and saw about 20-40 men standing, surrounding the children. I was confused. I had no clue what to do. At last I had came up with an idea. The idea was to throw the hockey stick into the window, and sling shot myself out. I had to move pretty fast, and it sure as hell did not work. One of the guards had shot my knee cap, having me crash into a room. This room was very small. One of the guys approached me, and so I shot two webs on both of his ears, and sling shot myself into his face knocking him out. I immediately grabbed the gun, and took cover. I felt motivated, and ready to take these men out. Now I check the navigation on the device and see my guys heading towards me. There was a chase that was happening, and my friends got side tracked. The cops and the man that was being chased passed literally by my school, and my friends decided to sweep in and help me. Now I told them that The entrance was locked and shut. They all had taken the juice, and were ready to fight. My friend, Creator kicked the platnum doors, my other friend, Remington ran through the whole center within 0.9 seconds shattering every piece of glass in the room, and my brother, Capture had took a huge shelf from one of the classrooms, and threw them all onto the men. No student got hurt, and all four of us fought them with our hands.. More of them kept coming in from this one helicopter. I decided to throw a tracking GPS onto the helicopter, take cover, and watch where the helicopter was going. After that I grabbed my Creator, and we both followed the helicopter. We found a warehouse of men just continuously coming out. We both went and got Rocket Launchers, and blasted them into the warehouse leaving the warehouse in pieces. We got back to the school, and found this girl that used to like me, then hated, and two of my other teammates me locked up by the general. The general was there, and was slowly torturing them. Creator and I grabbed two flamethrowers back in at our house in the shed, and found this juice we had created a few years ago. That juice would get us to go invisible. We both drank that, and made a run for it. We both snuck into there and decided to put the flame throwers down. We decided to end the general off with our bare hands. My friend held him in a strong body hold and as soon as the enemies spotted me, they grabbed me. Now the general got himself out of the body hold and hit my friend in the head, knocking him out. The general grabbed the girl, and started to do weird things to her that could not be explained. I sure as hell did not like it. The man that was holding me broke my device because of how hard he was holding me. I shot a web in his head, and immediately went for the flame thrower. I had burned all the men, and when I turned behind me I saw the general running towards me. I kicked him and shot a web that attached to him, pulled him back to me and stuck a knife through his head. Once the general was down, the men fell to the ground, leaving them dead. Everyone was crying by now. All four of us had to calm everyone down, and alert nearby restaurants, and all. 20 minutes later the cops arrive. They get everything settled and make sure everyone was fine. The girl did not suffer any injuries, was just scared for the rest of her life. She saw me sitting on the bench outside the school speaking to a cop, and gave me a heartwarming hug. She said she was sorry and really was grateful for me and the three others being there. She wanted to be friends with me now, and did not want to lose me. I told her that we could work that out as soon as everything and everyone is gone. She told me that she wanted to have dinner at six, and I told her that would be fine. During those free hours, all four of us got back to our house. We all discussed, and cleaned ourselves up. They all took their girlfriends out, and I went to go pick up the girl. We had Olive Garden, and went to the beach. She was telling me about her life and all. I was just listening, and just thinking. The girl, Kiana was very obsessed with me, and could not stop talking. September 18th - Everything was fixed at the school, and everything was back to normal. The girl and I were now a thing and we were both happy. Everyone came up to me, and said “thank you” and all of my teachers talked about what happened and had everyone give me a round of applause. Everyone want on with their life, and nothing ever happened like this in our lifetime again. Outro Thank you everyone for reading! Have a good day/night.