I do find it pointless to just write support or no support without giving some kind of feedback. There are ratings for that purpose. People should take more time to pro and con suggestions to give the administrative staff a better idea of what players want. In this case I see no real issue with enforcing a rule relating to mod applications and suggestions which force users to post with a reason or rate instead.
Good idea, makes the mod requirement of 50 posts less of a just farm of going and saying one word in the chat. I personally want to go for mod but I haven't said support in a thread as the only thing I said (I think and hope) and if I said support I elaborated on why or why not I said that. Even if it was just a repeat of what the thread said I think that it would be far more helpful to the thread itself. Support!
... Yep totally agree. You could make another suggestions for the 50+ posts for mod. And good luck for applying,
I like how you all just say no support because you saw what @Scorvix said (since he is like all your idols right?).
No support. Really unneeded and there are issues much more significant than this that should be targeted on.
Uhm sure... yeah no, I just generally don't support this idea I mean is post farming a really big issue currently? No so I find it pointless, as stated above As stated above we have much more things to focus on
No support, ratings are just an extra way to show your opinion. Also, members under 25 messages are not able to rate so are not able to express their opinion on a thread without reaching that amount of messages, although it is not that much.