I think there should be a command to transfer ownership of an island on Skyblock to a coop member, because as far as I know there isn't one currently. I started making my Skyblock on my alt account because I was banned for perm removal on my main after I resigned, and now that I'm unbanned, I can't transfer it over. So any island commands such as /trust, /coop invite, etc. have to be done on my alt and it's annoying having to log into it all the time. :/ EDIT: I think this is obvious but just in case, I want to clarify that after the current island owner runs the command, the player they are inviting to become the new leader will have to accept the invite. It won't automatically make them the leader.
Support. I wonder if people will start selling their islands or just giving away their islands when they leave... also, would a transferred island replace the current one?
You would only be able to transfer your island to someone in your coop, meaning that they were already apart of the island. They would just become the owner of it.
why? there was a command before the reset that did this (/is makeleader), and there weren't any problems with players being able to do it themselves