So, many of the hackers on mineverse arn't just one time people, they have mcleaks, bought like 100 accs for 10 bucks ect. The problem is that if one gets banned, it takes them about a minute to get on another acc. What I suggest is that we give them a chance to not do that. [Explanation] Say a hacker gets banned, then if we find another hacker while that ban is still going on the same ip, we ip ban them. I'm sure there could probably be a way to code a plugin or something for this where the console just auto ip bans that person, or something else. [Pros/Cons] Pro: It would leave less stress on mods Pro: Less hackers mean happier mineverse Con: If say a hacker has a brother that also plays it could affect him. (Although this would mostly just be a family problem) Con: Might be hard to code? Okay well that's all I could think of for now, i'll edit stuff in if I think of it. -Youtuber
This is smart.First ban, no ip ban, second ban on same ip (id say blatant hacks only) then ip ban. And for the siblings part, I've seen servers where they can add a note onto a player saying they are brothers, etc. So they dont get banned. this won't stop hackers all together but it would help a lot
Millions of suggestions have been made for this, so far we've seen nothing. Besides, even if we do the'll be a stronger hack than it.
IP Bans aren't worth the hassle as they are easily bypassed. The phrase "all hackers have VPN's" is very misused here. People who "hack" on Minecraft aren't hackers, they are just using clients that are pre-coded by someone else. Most of whom don't actually use VPN's, because they are just 12 year old kids.
You will never be able to completely neutralize cheaters; cheaters always exist. The aim is to decrease them.
Hence the ip ban, while some hackers use vpns and things, I think this will decrease the amount a lot
Well I was thinking it could be like a console thing, so it just auto ip bans if a person with the same ip is currently banned
Mineverse would have much less players if the hackers were "taken care of" since 75% of the population on this server is hackers.
I have to agree with this, stronger Anti-Cheat means hackers won't want to hack anymore because they won't be able to. I doubt the average 12 year old has the time to code a brand new hacked client for specifically MV just to continue hacking.
Using "12 year old kids" as an insult, stereotype for hackers, etc, is not accurate. Most hackers are teens, but there are some hackers way younger. Even more, there are hackers that are in their adolescence and adulthood. I strongly disagree with the "12-year-old" insult/stereotype. Please stop using it.
Hardware identification. Will ban that specific hardware from logging on to the server while an infraction is in place. Many major CSGO platforms including FaceIT and ESEA do this. It is very effective and doesn't require anything to do with IP addresses. Might be a bit of an issue implementing the idea into Minecraft as an internal client would need to be built alongside/within running with the launcher, but I'm sure it's possible.