Hi everyone, Recently a person joined Skyblock and claimed to have all of our IP's. Although this is not ban-able until leaked should they still be banned for confessing and 'stealing' our personal information? Don't just post based on my example (which actually happened), what are your thoughts on the title? Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_WlF8rdY_OxMVczUnc3ekktWnc/view?usp=sharing
nope sorry if this was bannable people making jokes could get banned aswell and it really isn't doing harm until the info is released (hence the personal information rule)
DDoS, DoX or Account Hacking Threats: Do not threaten to DoX or DDoS any mineverse member or server. Do not threaten to hack player accounts. i will ddos the server;* i have all ur ips; They both sound like jokes [bad capitalisation] but why does the top one get banned and the bottom one not? [probably because the top one is more serious but idk] If i get banned for what I said here* then >:[ Also someone stealing personal information is just as bad as leaking it?
Like Lokadd said above, your question would not be a valid offense in order to get banned. But, from what you provided in this screenshot, he said, "want me to hit u off", which is a DDoS threat. If you want to report this player for DDoS Threats, click here to report the player.
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