Legalization of marijuana hasn't changed anything but public verification. The percentages of people smoking weed haven't changed since legalization.
This thread gonna be a war between ppl who disagree with it and the potheads who don't xD ;33 (yes im aware of it's 'medical' use)
smoking weed is good if it's medical and you have control over urself, but i don't approve of people just smoking it. Technically marijuana is a drug, just like alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, etc. Like all of these, I personally wouldn't go down that path (maybe alcohol but like wine and champagne just for formal events) when I get older, probably because I don't want to have to end up having to break a habit I got myself into that can destroy me.
LOL Thanks for the laugh. Your logic is the same as a 6 years old. That's like saying all red things are made out of blood.
If you look at the patterns when marijuana is legalised there is a huge spike in useage but after a few weeks the number falls back down, below the level of consumption. It's basic economics, the tastes for it rapidly rises then falls because most people smoke it to "rebel against the system".