sorry i forgot u so talented and special and u gonna go places w that. pls take care of urself cause ur a precious gem and i love talking to u everyday thank u ily u used to be a fun person to talk to but ur just a tiny bit too dramatic sometimes and i thought u left why u here playing infection w u a while back was fun but my laptop has lost its life so we can't do that anytime soon. tho ur very cute and a nice person to be friends w i loVe you ur so damn pretty and u think ur not which makes u dumb therefore to be honest u r dumb and ur also just perfect ily u r obsessed with really bad singers. but u kinda lit tho nglnglgnl my boy u real w everyone and that's what i like about u. wish we talked more tho so hit the dms fast who u ur super pretty and friendly. im glad we back to talking again qt ur name is p accurate about u u were a great mod and it was p clear that u actually gave a damn about the server. +1 respect u right sorRy idk u u don't talk to me anymore smh but when we did u were just a very fun person to be around. hope we can catch up on things soon i always remember u cause of the way u greet me every single time we cross paths and it's just the nicest thing ever. ur a rly positive person pls stay like that thank s ofc i know u but u can't remember me lmao. u were one of my fave mods and least fave infection player cause u never gave me a chance to kill smh. but im rly happy u applyin again cause u doin great and goin places idk u but u rly pretty u impatient little- ur so cool on here and i obv don't fit ur standards but hmu tho
ur a mature, articulated, and beautiful woman and i know u finna do great things very soon. congrats for achieving so much these years and also in advanced till u get mod.
i can only describe u in one word now and that's cringe. u went from egirls to edrunk faster than the way u changed personalities. ngl i despise those who raise alcohol above anything else in their lives and that's p much u. ur probably also another reason why i think a lot of british ppl r annoying. tbh before u were great but now ur not ps vro? wtf is vro? come up w something else please.
i don't know you enough tbh but you've gotta p big ego tho my levis jeans r stronger than our friendship oHHHH