Tonight, I got home late and when I went to eat dinner, I got the shock of my life. I was betrayed and I caught her red-handed cheating on me. I really don’t know what to do, but I feel totally betrayed and absolutely upset! I mean why? After all these years!? It makes no sense at all. We have had a long and productive relationship, and I fear it may be over, if not ruined. She was born in June of 1998, and we adopted her a few months after that. We took her home, and put her right to work, and had her help us in the kitchen maybe a dozen times or so per day. She’s been here for over 19 years and we’ve grown to depend upon her and we even kind of think of her as family at this point. We built a trust in her, and tonight, for the first time in these 19 years, I caught her betraying me. No, she betrayed us, our whole family. I mean she has been flat-out cheating on us each and every time... it’s just total betrayal at its worse. You see, I entered 0:39 seconds and she actually turned off when she hit 0:01 second! She cheated me out of 1 whole second!! Can you believe that? I mean all these years she’s been cheating on me, one-second-at-a-time, and that’s real time that I can never get back! I mean what I can do about it now? Argh! You know, I was thinking about the next time I need to use the microwave, instead of entering 0:39 seconds I will enter 15:39 to teach her a lesson and to "try" to get some of that lost time back! No! Wait... 15:40 is what I will enter since she won't give me the full 39 seconds anyway! Ha!!! I'll show my microwave who's boss and I’ll get even with her!! ;) PS... this is for real. Tonight I caught my microwave cheating me out of that last second. :(
so it's kinda like when u were supposed to have ur calculator in radians mode during a test but then realize it was in degree mode the whole time
Oh no... and to think Isaac Asimov was only concerned with robots! I think the problem is far more reaching than expected. :( Ahh... but at least you now realize why the results were so large! Sorry about the test though.... :( Thanks... but it really happened... not just a "story"... I really did notice that I'm being cheated out of a second. :( lol... yeah I hear that all the time... but that does not necessarily mean that I am. ;) True... but its a microwave that was cheating on me. T^T I mean all those incalculable seconds that have been lost! If we got our full requested time, then we may not have had to go back and run it second or third time... maybe the first time would have been enough!? Oh wait... do you think maybe it was just starved for attention? Perhaps I should talk to her more or even read to her some bedtime stories to cheer her up? Maybe when I leave the house I should wave goodbye? No, not big waves, just itty-bitty tiny waves... like as in micro waves goodbye? ;) lol... Um... good question.... ?? But so far she has yet to correct me? But honestly, you do have a very valid point. I guess I have been thinking in terms of automobiles and ships/boats and they generally always have a feminine gender. But doing a little searching just now I am seeing that other objects tend to take on the male gender. I have not found anything specific so perhaps it up to the individual to provide the selected classification? I did find at least one reference where the author sited a foreign language for clues as to what gender to classify an object, such as Spanish, since they tend to have more gender-oriented words for everyday objects. Maybe I'll just talk to her and see what she has to say. ;)
lmfao And... of course you should read her bedtime stories and wave goodbye! She's a woman and you need to respect wahmen, of course.
It may not be just the microwave. :( I suspect the fridge is cheating on me too, and may be off by a degree or two? Every time I try to check it just gives me a cold shoulder. :(
K i l l i t w i t h f i r e ---- And IK just how : Get a popcorn and put it in for 6 minutes. In 30 minutes your whole house will be burnt down, and that cheating microwave with it!
But still I don't understand... cook the popcorn for 6 minutes... then wait another 24 minutes for it to cool, then the house will catch on fire? That is a bit too extreme. :( Not worth it for just 1 second. I was thinking about buying a power regulator and reducing the voltage from 110 to 109 to prank it. ;) I wonder if it would notice? Or what if I invert the waveform? Instead of getting positive 110 it gets negative 110, and instead of negative 110 it gets positive 110? I wonder if after doing that, if I were to put cooked food in there, if it will uncook?