Honestly I never speak to you. All I know is that you love elephants and I'm pretty sure you no supported my app. However from what I see you're a great person, don't be afraid to chat to me
Oh damn I forgot you tutut silly me At first I wasn't interested in you then when I hit like 3 months on the staff team we got pretty close. You're actually the best guy I have ever met (sorry Connor ily2) and I was lucky to have you as a friend. I would be long gone if it wasn't for you being an amazing support to me and the best friend I could ever wish for, so thanks for that. I can't believe that you coped with me yelling abuse at you and certain people dumping their issues on you and I treated you like dirt, and it makes me so upset and guilty looking back on everything I've done wrong. During the period around my demotion things got hella rocky, especially between us, and soooooooo many times you wanted to give up on me and you never ever did, right until I let you down. Letting you down is the part of my demotion that upsets me the most tbh. Right now, we don't talk much cos we argued again and shiz was said - I'm so sorry <3 start speaking to me again I miss you like hell, yeah?
U sleepy? I've seen you in discord a bit and we've spoken a lil you seem kinda edgy ;) I remember you when you were a mod you were funny and chill idk what your like now so yeah That Shetland pony tho Like Kinsey, you are my absolute g and supported me so damn much. You're always kind, kinda annoying hehe, funny and helpful. I'm so happy we got put together in mentoring and I can't be luckier to have a friend like you. You're always there for me no matter what happens. Ily!! Keep in touch loser <3.
I wish I'd spoken to you more on the team, you're super nice and hard working. Keep up the good job of being one in like 5 active mods on the team!!
Wait... I think I took a wrong turn... am I supposed to be here? (quietly backing up to the main forums page...) ;)
Hmm I'm not sure who you are but when I was mod I placed you in the 'eek don't like the server' group. You seem nice and funny tho. Madi!! I don't think I spoke to you much but you introduced me to some great glee songs. You're sweet and friendly, like I said on sc, stay in touch Eer I've seen you before but idk who you are really. Talk to me more ye? God blessed you with the music taste of fire. Ayeeee you're rlly sweet and such a copy cat ;) <3 I remember you said I was inactive on my app and I was like 'this gal' but then I got past it and realized you're a great girl who is friendly and all-round awesome. You must speak to me more. You have no idea how much intense research went into that cos I kept getting mixed up with you and @deration Jannicceee :0 you are the sweetest most positive person ever. Your photography is incredible! I really regret not getting to know you more on the team, because from speaking to you recently you're an amazing person!! Get that activity in-game and on staff chats up and you'll see the red name in no time. Keep in touch!!