I've spoken to you quite a lot and you seem pretty cool so yeah Eek you're literally my world <3 <3 You're a pretty nice squeaker but you should talk to people more I don't really know you but you seem to think you're relevant enough for me to roast you so eh. sorrrrriii Oh hey ur deivid right? You're pretty cool we should talk more Your drawings are amazing but you need to tell me more about ur art and how you get more amazing wiubahiurh You're so amazing, kind and beautiful I'm so lucky to have you as a friend get sr mod ya? You're pretty chill but you demoted me on your server so I'm afraid we cant be friends haha jk you're great
I don't really wanna furt your heelings but here ya go You were hella annoying on the staff team and rlly big-headed so that annoys me like hell lol. However, after Pile and Kinsey told me off for bullying you, you were okay. You were still a massive suck up. After I was demoted you were pretty nice but you still annoy me in a friendly way :D
Omg im lucky to have a hunny like you so supportive, amazing and beautiful never take this girl for granted. I rlly like you, you were a good staff member and ur super friendly (until you unfollowed me jk) I never speak to you I don't think you're very relevant Oh wait you're the guy that yells into his mic on discord gotcha You're pretty nice and honest etc, we should speak more