hey wanna help out my home state texas while also gettin som sick sprites im doing $5 animated pixels, msg me if interested thx pce
I don't understand why Americans are wanting people to donate. How about you greedy little crappers just cut a billion or two off of your 597 Billion dollar military budget?
bc we know the government isnt gonna do anything like that to help lol 1-2 billion is barely enough anyways, we can expect probably more than 100 billion in damages
You can build a house for about 151k. There are just over 30,000 who are homeless due to the flooding. 2 billion dollars is enough to build every single victim a brand new house from scratch. As an average of 2.58 people lives in a household it'll cost less than a billion to rehome everyone. And after most natural disasters, rehoming the homeless is one of their top priorities. Damages are only estimated to be about 30-50 billion. The large majority of the damage was done to the private and public sector. The government has a responsibility to rebuild the public sector. If the government didn't pay to rebuild the private sector too why would anyone want to set up business in the united states anymore? Houston has a GDP at 525 billion dollars. Houston has a higher GDP than 166 out of the 187 countries in the world. Any country would invest 50billion to get an economy that large active as fast as possible.
Sounds like you're ready to start your own government. You may find things are never as simple when put in to practice, as they may sound when you sketch them out on a napkin (or a forums post for that matter). Nevertheless, good luck! Sounds like a cool idea... send me the details.
These are really good! Im not from Texas, but I have cousins who do and surprisingly they didn't get any floods :0 If you want, I can create memes of Hurricane Harvey to spread the happiness around to people who did get affected by the storm.