I don't know what to say for these. : / You're fun to talk to. I'm glad we're friends. She hacks. Obviously. You're a silly guy and I always enjoyed seeing what you would say. You're nice to your friends. But you're fake af. We don't interact much anymore, but it was fun when we used to when we were both on the staff team. You're a great friend and even a better person. I wish we could still play Infection together. Hey sir. You're a fun guy to be around. I wished we talked more. It seems you act like a suck up to everyone so people like you. Be your own person again. You're such a great friend. One of the best people on Mineverse. You're funny. It's fun to play with you on Kitpvp. Cause they make things less boring. I don't know you very well, but you seem like a cool guy. We don't talk much anymore. But I remember all the drama, fun and mischief we had in old Infection. Those were good times. One of the best people on Mineverse. I'm glad I can call you my friend. The few times we talked in-game were fun, we should do it more often. I don't really know you guys.