I have around 20k on op and some p5u5 so just list what you lost and I'll see what time/if I can help you
OBS Is broken for me. This is the message I get. http://prntscr.com/g4pa49 @Tsunderes Items I lost: $3,000 In-Game Cash - 1 Dirt Blocked (Sharpness 15, Unbreaking 5, Protection 5, Knockback 10) - Tons of sets - 16 ladders - 4 sharp 30s - Ender pearls - 3 Sharpness 15 axes - 1 fishing rod P.S I'm stuck in the void on OP. Also, what's your IGN?
u need to add scenes/sources, I suggest you watch a youtube tutorial on how to set it up. https://gyazo.com/4be1c7144563ee5e713c30a2ebc1f2d9
Someone use this thread to name all the scammers lol The only ones I know are communications and sutero, which are both pretty obvious
My ign is the same as my forums name. Buy a tp to spawn if you're stuck in the void. I can help with some of your lost cash, sets, and s30s. Rares such as the dirt and fishing rod I can't help with, sorry
I used to play op a bit so I helped him with some of his lost stuff. I asked for a list of what he lost to know what I could help give back.