Support. My only problem with this is if the player who sends a tpa request to a player that he doesn't know is a hacker. What if he just wants to tp his friend in to help him fight, and then his friend starts hacking without him knowing that he was a hacker? Other then this, support!
Here's a situation, say someone tp's in a player to help them fight and the person that tp'd them had no idea that they are/are going to hack. Both players get banned. this would lead to quite a few unfair bans.
Well I would think that unless this person that tp'd them is one of the people we want banned, they would unteam or whatever when they figure out he/she hacks. Also, If I havn't, Support
I'm thinking this is a thread about people Teaming with hackers, Plus, he could make a ban appeal probably.
Neutral. I agree with the logic behind this suggestion, that being if someone knowingly chooses to assist another person in breaking the rules, they too should be punished. That aside, there are a few problems brought up by those who commented before me... ^ Because of this, I think there should be some more specifics implemented. These are just a few ideas that could certainly be refined; perhaps requiring multiple videos of the player Hack Tping, or requiring a confession from the Hack Tper... or/and lengthening the punishment if the Hack Tper, after appealing, is caught doing the same thing again... It may be harder to catch a Hack Tper like this, but it would increase the certainty that it wasn't an accident. Either way, this could cause a lot of problems for players that are fairly new and may accept tps from people they recently met or don't know at all. Also, there should definitely be some basic requirements for what can be considered proper evidence, since as stated above, this could be used to frame players out of spite. I know the moderators can judge case by case independently, but specifying some criteria for players making the reports could help... ex: the video evidence must show the Hack Tper teleporting the hacker into the fight, not just fighting with the hacker.