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  • Inactive ♾BillCipher_'s Moderator Application♾

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by BillCipher, Jul 16, 2017.

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    1. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
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      ⌬ Intro ⌬

      Hey! I'm Bill, or Sam. I am applying for the position of Moderator as I believe my break from Mineverse and the ability to mature has led me to believe I am fit for the position. Thank you for taking the time to read and reflect on my application. If you have any questions feel free to DM me.

      ⍟ Your in-game name: ⍟

      Other names

      ⍟ What timezone are you in? ⍟
      MST (Mountain Standard Time)

      ⍟ What country do you live in? ⍟

      ⍟ What languages do you speak? ⍟
      English and Spanish, little Russian and attempting in high school to learn another language.

      ⍟ Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) ⍟
      Yes I do. I currently have video editing software downloaded. I also have bandicam, and my laptops screen recorder.

      ⍟ Why do you think you should become a mod? ⍟
      Before I begin this, I have made mistakes in the past. I believe I have matured enough to handle the position of moderating the server. Here are some of the traits which I believe assist me in handling the moderating position.
      ⌽ Discipline ⌽
      Growing up with Mexican parents (not stereotypical), I have learned a thing or two from them. I can become the moderator portrayed as Hitler who only wants order and conduct in the server. I can be mean, and be a dictator. I can also choose to be a nice moderator that’s always social. The thing some people begin to learn about me is I can be both. Daily I discipline myself to become the best I can be, and with that self discipline comes the skill of disciplining those that deserve it, break the rules.
      ⌽ Kind ⌽
      I can be very kind towards others, specially online due to the fact that I don't know their life, or what a specific person has gone through at any given time. I strive to become a nicer person day by day to make others around me happy. I am also very social online, partly due to the fact I don't have to deal with the social awkwardness of eye contact and such.
      ⌽ Activity ⌽
      I bring this point up because recently the server went though a spam bot situation on creative, harassment of a staff member and players destroying other people’s plot and spawn. The amount of time I can dedicate to this server will be very helpful in catching hackers, spammers, and many kinds of rule breakers. When I am online, staff aren't just in the right place at the right time anymore. As a staff member I will try to uphold the rules and do reports as often as possible so the rule breakers will get the punishment they deserve as soon as possible, whereas a spammer advertising takes many members away, then gets banned a week later. I will try to exceed my duty as a moderator while helping out the server.
      ⌽ Honesty⌽
      While maturing, I realized I wasn't much of an honest person, I've come to learn that when I lied, it made situations worse. Now, I try my hardest to be completely honest. We are all human so we are bound to make mistakes, but with the position of moderating the server, I will strive to do everything in my power to become 100% completely honest.
      ⌽ Temperate ⌽
      This goes with the last part of Honesty. I also wouldn’t abuse out of anger or temper. I would use my powers to ban and mute correctly. One more thing, I know how to control my temper and not lash out or rage when I get mad. As stated before, we are all human, we have emotions. In the last year I've learned not to let my emotions get the better of me as it ends up affecting me more in a negative way. Such as moderating, I wont let emotions judge how I treat anyone, I will treat everyone fair as I believe everyone is equal.
      ⌽ Patience ⌽
      This is a major thing that I have been focusing on. As a moderator, you need a ton of patience to handle reports, due process, and overall moderating the server. I am not saying I am the best at everything, but at a young age till now, I as a person am really patient as events unfold. With school starting, this virtue will also help me not rush though schoolwork to play Minecraft and have it affect my grades, yet won't rush reports and such to do whatever I please.
      ⌽ Helpful ⌽
      I consider myself a helpful person. When someone needs help I assist them by asking questions and seeing what in my power I can do for their pleasure. When someone needs a moderator, I try to help them by getting a staff member's attention to assist them. If someone has a problem, I will go to their aid almost instantly because not only is it my job and I grew up with helping people, I was taught to aid another person no matter what race, ethnicity, or age they are. I love to help people and I believe moderating will help me spread that kind of love all around.
      ⌽ Steadfast⌽
      I can be Steadfast. Other people’s opinions and any player reputation won't judge how I will treat others. I will be firm on the decisions, I will make as a moderator, and not hold back from my full potential of moderating this server.
      ⌽ Fair⌽
      I am fair with all the decisions make, whether it be splitting Takis between my sister and brother, or settling an argument between players. I will always be fair as a biased decision never helps in a situation that could be treated fairly. I personally thing everything is fair, and life is fair. There is an equal amount of good as there is bad in the world and I personally will be fair when moderating to prove that point.
      ⌽ Maturity⌽
      When I first started playing on Mineverse, I was not the most mature person. I hacked, I cussed, and I always caused a fuss. Taking a break off of Minecraft and Mineverse as a whole really helped me to understand who I was and to mature to the point where I believe I am up to the task of moderating. I may not me the most mature person in the world, but I believe I am mature enough to stand up and moderate the server I so love.
      ⌽ Organized⌽
      When writing an essay to cleaning my room, I am a very organized person. Maybe my OCD has something to do with how I react to certain things, but when moderating I will be compelled to keep reports, files, applications and messages organized to the ease of accessing all of it and keeping it with a "clean" look.
      ⌽ Hard-Worker⌽
      I am a very hard worker. When it comes to a job I give it my uttermost attention. When I clean, I don't stop till everything shines and nothing is dirty. When moderating, I will treat everything like a paycheck is at stake because I want to make the boss happy. Such as I'm writing this, many nights I don't sleep to get things done, and make sure they are the best they can be. I have many problems, one of which is sleep. Because of this I can dedicate more time to the server and its improvement.
      ⌽ Bias⌽
      As a moderator, I will keep all situations, resolutions, and decisions unbiased. If a player breaks the rules, personal matters or "sob stories" won't matter to me.
      ⌽ Persistent ⌽
      As a moderator I believe any little negative thing shouldn't put you down. I will try to the best of my ability to motivate myself, and want to play Minecraft and help players. My mother is a personal trainer and she motivates me every day to do my best and succeed. As a moderator this motivation will assist me with doing my duties.

      ⍟ How long can you be active on the server everyday? ⍟
      ⌽ Server⌽

      Monday: 12:00 am till 3:00 am
      Tuesday: 9:00 am till 2:30 am
      Wednsday: 12:00 am till 3:00 am
      Thursday: 9:00 am till 2:30 am
      Friday: 9:00 am till 11:30 pm
      Saturday: 11:00 am till 3:00 am (Depends on what I'm doing)
      Sunday: I am usually not available on Sundays. If I am. 10:00 am till 3:00 am
      ⌽ Forums⌽
      Depending on what is happening during the day will depend if I am available online. Since the recent purchase of Unlimited data, I can be active on the forums through all those hours

      These hours may change due to plans with family, or personal problems where I am unable to access my laptop

      ⍟ How long have you been playing Mineverse?⍟
      For about 4 years, I don’t have an exact date but somewhere around that time. I have been playing on the sever longer then I have been on the forums.

      ⍟ Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) ⍟
      Unfortunately, yes. I have been banned for hacking, and many more offenses due to the fact I was nearly maturing, going through a phase, and thinking I'd get caught, which I did. The term "what are you, 12?" did apply to me and I thought I was everything since I could hack or get banned. It's been almost a year since my last application and I took a break from Minecraft in general to solve some of my problems, and to mature more into who I am today. That still doesn't justify what I did but I hope this could serve as a chance to prove I'm not the little kid that used to play minecraft and troll, but the moderator that'll stop those people to teach them their lesson.

      ⍟ Do you have any past experience as a moderator? ⍟
      Yes. I currently own a server. I owned one other server which has now shut down. I became a moderator on a server known as "Oxy" which I resigned from due to personal reasons. I administrated a server which has yet shut down forever due to a mass hacking. With that I am very familiar to the commands used as a moderator and will use them as needed. With this experience I believe I will exceed the expectation needed to become a moderator.

      ⍟ Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No ⍟
      ⍟ Do you have 50 Post Count? ⍟
      ⍟ Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? ⍟
      On my laptop and device, yes.
      ⍟Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums?⍟
      Yes, with years to spare.

      ⍟ Do you have Skype and Teamspeak 3 for offline communication? ⍟

      ⍟ Outro ⍟
      Thank you for taking the time to read this entire thing, with my past and everything, I hope to redeem myself and show the server the moderator I can truly be. I expect people to not support, I expect criticism. All I'll do is learn from it to see what I can do to be an after person. Thank you.
      Quick edit: Reports have been a little slow, but I’m striving to make as many as possible!
      29,supports :)
      6 no supports :)
      8 neutrals :)
      Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
    2. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      support :)
    3. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you! :)
    4. Tonya

      Tonya Well-Known Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      Whenever I see you in-game, you are usually very nice and respectful. Plus you have a very mature application. But try submitting more reports and I caught a few grammar mistakes in your application that can quickly be fixed.

      Here are the few that I noticed ;)
    5. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
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      Yeah, I edited and posted at 3:00 am, wasn't paying attention. Thank you for pointing it out, and the support!

      Edit: I fixed the grammar mistakes, but thank you for pointing them out!
    6. Puaple

      Puaple Experienced Member

      Jun 20, 2016
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      Good luck :)
    7. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you! :)
    8. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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    9. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you!
    10. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support
    11. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you for your input
    12. browntlbsjb

      browntlbsjb Active Member

      Jul 10, 2017
      Likes Received:
      Amazing application, support.
    13. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you! :)
    14. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Support of course!
      Amazing person who would make an amazing moderator.

      Good luck!
    15. Arab_Llama

      Arab_Llama Active Member

      Oct 10, 2015
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      -Nice person

      Good luck. :)
    16. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you guys!
    17. loadist

      loadist Well-Known Member

      Jan 28, 2015
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      You seem like a vey nice person. But these are some reasons I will be no supporting, leaning towards support.

      -Well written application

      -Few reports
      -Never see you in-game
      -We need more of infection, skywars, kitpvp, OPPvP etc. moderators, not creative

      Notes: If you work on in-game activity/reports, I will happily support you. Visit me on OPPvP and kitpvp, skywars to talk and we can discuss further. Good luck!!
      Last edited: Jul 16, 2017
    18. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
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      I've made many reports, but with lack of players comes the lack of potential rule breakers, I try and report with every chance I get to fill out a report, but sometimes nothing really goes on. As far as server moderation, the reasoning behind the many reports from creative is the fact that most of the time I go onto creative, A. there is a spam bot attack, B. Someone is advertising/breaking chat rules. I can easily make reports from creative, which I have because screenshotting is easy. Many of the creative reports take less than 3 minutes to fill out, where as with hacking I still have to upload and compress which I do. It not the fact I'm always on creative because being fair, I am active on most servers. It's just that to make a report about someone bypassing a chat filter is fairly fast, which is why you see me making many reports off of creative. I am active on the servers you listed, just can't make as many reports as fast as creative chat offenses because due processes takes a while with uploading and actually filling out the report. Thank you for your input!
    19. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      Neutral Never see you in game, msg me if you see me though, Good luck!
    20. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
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      I was just online, possible different game modes maybe? I'm on the pvp servers, skyblock, creative and infection so hit me up also if you see me. Thanks for considering!
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