thanks everyone for your time and dedication to this server, and thanks cyp for all these friends, you may not know me nor would you care about me and i respect that. LETS HAVE A LITTLE HISTORY SHALL WE Date joined mineverse: 16/5/2014 Date joined forums: 14/12/2015 alright kek, here's my long list of mentions @Auzzi @Calli(miss you honey buns) @WhyteDuck (ex deee) @MayIsBae @SirCorgi ( go on my sweet pupper)@Upsets( you probally don't know who i am anymore but hey ) that's all currently there's at least a thousand more but that's all i can remember will be on discord 24/7 tho fams will also be checking every 4 days SAYANORA.
tbh I think I might just stop the high activity here because it's just so boring here now, no progress has been made and the only progress will be the amount of moderators, whether they decrease or increase. so can I like come with you and leave as well