How old are you? I am currently 12 Your in-game name: ARVEN0ID (With a zero, don't forget that) What timezone are you in? PDT (Pacific Daylight Timezone) What country do you live in? The USA (United States of America as all of you know) What languages do you speak? English, that's all. Why do you think you should become a mod? Trustworthy You can always count on me whatever happens! No matter what! Courage I know there are millions of hackers out there in Mineverse, but I have the courage to stop them. If you give up, you won't accomplish ANYTHING. Helpful Need a hand? I'm always there to help. Leadership If a new member needs help to do something, I can deal with it, like some new people coming to the minigames are saying: "How do I get to the hub?" or "How can you get back?" and "Why is the portal I used in the beginning not here anymore?" I can answer all these questions, and I want to tell it to the new members, so they don't get confused People Flaming at others and hurting their feelings Lately I have been seeing some fights others have gotten into, and some people hurt the other person's feelings, I want to stop that, I hardly find any mods on the server, only on the forums, which is okay, but they probably have forgotten, the server. If a moderator isn't on, or they are busy, I can replace them and do their job. Honest I always be honest to others, like if I have to like judge a person's building or whatever they have done or said, I can't just say: "Hey that building looks great!" While it doesn't look great to me. What I would really say is: "That building looks good, but needs more work." I always judge things with a positive attitude (which I will get to later) Positive This reminds me of the game mode skywars. Whenever I get knocked off when I'm bridging, sure I do get mad but what I do if I do respond to that is that find their name and then do /msg (their name) Well Played However, sometimes when I knock someone off THEIR bridge, they just go and msg me: "HEY YOU SUCK WHY DID YOU DO THATFJSKDHGRK" or "FREAKING MOFO" and "YOU WERE JUST LUCKY YOU ****" I just don't know why others do that. I respond with a positive attitude and I get paid like this? Sure I do get mad and say these but not THAT harsh like I said above. I just say: "Dang it I hate you <3" MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE I want the other new players of the server have a Mineverse life like me. I made many friendships, and get that lack of negative people on this server. I want to have others get more friendships, get into less fights, and pretty much everything that isn't bad. How long can you be active on the server everyday? 2-3 hours on weekdays 4-5 on weekends (summer is coming up soon so I will be REALLY active soon ) How long have you been playing Mineverse? Since Feb. 2014 I think, first gamemode I played was parkour (Seriously, I was like pro at parkour back then and not trying not to brag but now I'm bad. Now, I play Skywars, a little bit of Creative Plots, KitPvP, Hardly OP PvP, and Parkour. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No I haven't but I really think I can do a great job being one I have tried to stop others flaming, bullying, annoying others, but they just wouldn't stop. Why? Because they didn't see me as a staff member. They don't care what normal members say. They only care what staff says. I just really enjoy being on this server because it has many different fun gamemodes, I made many friends on there, and I hope to help the server for many more fun things and make it a fun server. I know it's a hard being a moderator, but I know how to handle the business sometimes. If there are millions of hackers and spammers and bullies everywhere, and there's no one to stop them. Who will? We can make the server a better place, we can make others make friends like I did, we can get a lack of these rule breakers, the staff members are doing a great job, but they can do greater... Extra Info: I have been banned once only on the skywars gamemode, I was unbanned. I was banned for spamming, but I forgot to do something :/ so I was going to a violin rehearsal and I forgot to log off on my mc. Now as some of you don't know, my brother likes to go on my computer (when he has a 16 GB computer -_-) and go on my mc sometimes :/ he was playing a skywars game I guess, and then he started spamming at someone I'm very sorry about the person who was spammed If you don't accept this, I understand, if you explain why then now I probably know why I don't get mod or staff on any server XD But If you do accept this, I thank you very much and I promise that I will never do any negative actions at all and make the server a better place :D -Your kind regards, ARVEN0ID
Still needs alot more detail on "why you should become a moderator" That is whta CypriotMerks and Noobcrew are lookingf ro in an application
"Courage I know there are millions of hackers out there in Mineverse" "Honest I always be honest to others" There aren't even a million accounts registered on Mineverse. Honest ? I think not. Overall, not a bad mod app but it could be better. Support