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  • Prison Things that need fixing in OP Prison server

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Que_Ball, Jun 17, 2017.

    1. Que_Ball

      Que_Ball Experienced Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      There are some small and large problems that are on the OP Prison server that I would love to see resolved.

      Will try to describe it the best I can.
      Major glitches:
      1. First and most obvious is that the block fortune plugin is constantly breaking. In fact it breaks on a regular schedule like some background cron task of the server isn't configured correctly. Every morning at 8am Pacific time or maybe it's just Arizona time (The timezone the server appears to be in based on the time shown on /baltop) It seems to toggle the status of this block fortune plugin. So on days when it's working it will stop working. On days when it had stopped working it toggles back to working again. If we manage to get the attention of a server owner to fix it on days when it's crashed it may mess with that schedule.
      Further to this the current block fortune implementation does not count solid blocks as blocks mined when fortune is working.
      A workaround is now in place. The server will more frequently run a script to reset this plugin. So if it's not working wait about 5-15 minutes and it should reset automatically. Workaround is now broken. Block fortune is no longer resetting itself after the weekend.

      2. Occasionally the server has a big problem and players logging in will loose their inventory and enderchest contents while being welcomed as they login as a new player "Welcome [username] to OP Prison!". Theory is that the hard drive or partition on the server is getting full when this happens as it no longer has room to save changes to data files it can only keep things in memory. So when player logs in it cannot write to their playerdata file and a blank one is created in memory. Changes to mines are not even saving as soon as the player leaves that chunk of the map by warping away when they come back the mine is reverted back to earlier. Many players have lost the contents of their inventory. Veteran players generally save their important inventory items in chests before logging out to combat this happening when they login later. But you also loose your experience levels if you were saving up for /enchanter books.
      Last occurred June 24 July 2
      Those are the 2 major and constant glitches.

      Minor glitches:
      I'm told the Z mine has a missing block where the player is supposed to spawn or something like that. I'm not Z so cannot confirm. None of the 5 or so players in Z can use that mine or they fall through the map into the void I guess. Fixed

      The /enchanter command gives bow books and sometimes opening the divine books gives you nothing, just goes away.
      Oh and Coloured chat doesn't work for people who donated but I'm seeing that same problem in lobby and other servers too so that one is more generic to all of mineverse.

      Improvements we would like to see:

      1. I suppose the most popular request would be to have enchantment tokens work in some way. The server keeps giving people E-tokens for voting, or from crates, randomly at vote parties, or as bonus for mining 50k blocks, 100k, 250k, 500k, 1mil blocks etc. I'm guessing this was disabled for a good reason but some reasonable use for the tokens would be appreciated. Sando3 was buying them, but now says he is stopping until it's clear they will be fixed so now they are completely pointless. If you convert to a new system please copy the totals from the old ET database :)

      2. Allow plot owners to trust or deny other players to build on their plots and allow people to delete their own plots if they want to

      3. Allow sign shops. If people could setup shops to buy and sell their nice items it could help to stimulate more interest and more diverse play styles.

      4. Enderchests at mines again? would be nice to have the chests back near the mine warps if not the full /enderchest command back.

      5. Allow auctions of vote keys. Right now the voter keys are excluded from the /auction command. It could help with trades and the general economy on the server if these were allowed to be auctioned.

      6. Auction command improvements. As this is OP Prison some of the more valuable and rare items are valued much higher than the auction plugin is setup to allow for initial bids. Would like to see the initial bid amount be raised to 1T or have no limit so that auctions could be started with reserve prices the seller is willing to accept. Today people generally ask people to bid before the halfway point for rare items so they can still cancel if they don't like the bid amount. But this gets dangerous if you miss the window to cancel the auction before the 1/2 way mark. Right now the maximum you can set for initial bid price is 100Million which isn't a lot in most cases.

      7. More auction improvements. It's been suggested separately that you allow abreviations when bidding or making auctions like 10B for 10Billion 10000000000 is pretty hard to parse. If not possible at least see if it's possible to add comma separators when displaying amounts. Starting bid: 10,000,000,000 for example.

      8. Yet more auction improvements. I think the maximum bid amount in auction is 10T. I know it's rare but for the occasional use a 100T bid limit is appropriate (If anyone were auctioning an Ultra pickaxe, possibly beacon or dragon egg for examples)

      9. The inner ring of plots are currently reserved and unused. It would be interesting if those could be made available. Perhaps something you could buy or rent from the server for a second plot especially if sign shop was enabled. For example $5 to rent access to plots near 0;0 /warp plots in the currently unused inner ring.

      10. Please add /kit food. New players are constantly asking how to get food. A simple kit that gives some steak instead of kit starter that also gives a bunch of mostly useless armour items would be useful. Also add this to MOTD eg. type /kit food to get steak.

      11. The /enchanter plugin includes some useless enchant books that apply to bows. But we cannot get bows so they have no purpose so please remove the bow enchant books. Also there is some kind of glitch on divine books when you open them sometimes the book disappears. (Perhaps it was trying to summon a bow to enchant)

      12. Hoppers do not work. Some might want these to allow donations at their plot or some item sorting contraption.

      13. Because solid blocks do not count with current block fortune plugin. Can mining rewards be made more frequent? Not sure anyone is beyond 4million blocks mined.
      Perhaps every 1Million should give legendary crate key. and every 250k blocks should be Ultra key not just the initial 250k and 500k but also 750k. 250k blocks is a ton of mining without the benefit of solid blocks to your stats.
      so 250k Ultra key, 500k ultra key, 750k ultra key, 1 million legendary key. 1250k ultra, 1500k ultra, 1750 ultra, 2million legendary key etc etc.
      Right now it appears we have
      Every 50k blocks 1et
      100,000 blocks 500Mil, Omega pick, 1et
      250,000 blocks 1 Bil??, 1 ultra key, Omega pick, 2et
      500,000 blocks 25 Billion, 1 ultra key, Lycaon pick
      1,000,000 blocks 50 Billion, 1 ultra key, Berserker Pickaxe & 5 Enchantment Tokens!
      Beyond that I'm not sure and I didn't keep good records of 250k reward.

      14. The Z mine players never use this mine because the sell sign and warp point are a long walk up steps to the mine. The time to walk back to the mine makes it less efficient to mine at Z than at Y where the sell sign and warp point are only a few blocks from the mine. To make Z effective they are asking to move the Sell sign and warp to a point near the mine like at Y.
      Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
    2. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      Should be fixed now

      You fall through the hole because there is a missing block. Luckily there are blocks underneath it, but you are still not able to get back up

      Other than that, support on all of these tbh (except hoppers since they can be used to dupe)
    3. Que_Ball

      Que_Ball Experienced Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Updated FP to show workaround for block fortune and Z mine glitch. Added improvement request #14 for Z mine sell sign and warp move.

      And obviously do not want hoppers enabled unless the reason they might be used to dupe can be fixed.
    4. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Support :)
    5. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      Support. Used to love OPP :ah
    6. Que_Ball

      Que_Ball Experienced Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      The major glitch that stops saving data and clearing your inventory and enderchest contents is happening right now. So this one still exists. Seems every two weeks, give or take between incidents.
    7. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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    8. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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    9. Que_Ball

      Que_Ball Experienced Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Server out of hard drive space (Major glitch #2)

      Happening again tonight. So that's still an ongoing issue.

      Block fortune been broken for about 2 weeks now. (Major glitch #1)

      Not good.

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