Hello staff, If some of you guys didn't already know, I am a YouTuber on this server. 95% of my videos have come from this server. I normally play Kitpvp2 and sometimes OP PvP. If you guys haven't seen my channel yet, I'll put a link of it at the bottom of this document. Anyways, I am starting a brand new series on my channel which involves you guys! I'm going to try and 1v1 most of the Mineverse Staff on Kitpvp2! I have already done 4 episodes with 4 of the staff members on this server, Ordinateur7, TheRealLinux, PinkComboz, and Mvdi!! I wanna give a big thank you to them!! Without you guys, I wouldn't be doing this series! You guys get most of the credit!! Thank you!! <3 If you want to or can possibly join me in this series, it would mean a lot to me! If you guys can, please respond to this document or if you find me online, message me in-game there! Even if you can't, please reply to this document saying that, just so I don't have to come and ask you! I also appreciate the job you guys have been doing on this server! Keep up the excellent work! My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK7aGVWMpzAxqZqUgy_09sw The First Episode with Ordinateur7: The Second Episode with TheRealLinux: The Third Episode with PinkComboz: The Fourth Episode with Mvdi: Sincerely, Swirlinq
I can't upload that one because of what happened after I died, we will have to do it again! Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thanks for doing it with me today anyway! <3
@Linux I'm disappointed in you. Linux is meant to be strong... Also, you pronounced it wrong :P [L]i-nux