Rails should be allowed for redstone, if minecarts can get onto roads why not restrict minecraft's instead, without miencart's rails cant be used as afk pools nor to get things onto roads, i need rails in order to build a 0 tick 3x3 door that opens in no ticks and i bet many other people need rails for other redstone designs!! P.S. go to my plot to see the redstone build im working on
support to prevent road griefing, as soon as the server detects a minecart on the path it deletes it or clears it
rails r used to make lag genns / super long / fast clocks also used to glitch minearts on toher plot s
if minecarts are banned then rails are useless besides lag machines, dont know how to solve that (maybe if a rail is causeing lag it will be deleated or if someone creates a lag machine there are extreamly strict punishments and could get banned for a long time
Support Solution to lag machines - make it so only a limited amount of carts can be placed per player.
Lag Plots can be created with all redstone why just ban rails (and Redstone is too important to be banned, 3x3 doors, droppers, everything about it is important!!)