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  • [USA] SpitFire2235's Mod App (Mineverse)

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by SpitFire2235, Dec 12, 2013.

    1. SpitFire2235

      SpitFire2235 Well-Known Member

      Dec 12, 2013
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      @Pile_of_Butts talked me into reopening this Mod App for all you guys. If you would like to, please take your time reading through all of it and tell me what you think. I can sense most of you are sure what to do with Mod Apps, since many of you have been active on the forums for a long time now. I just wanted to give a thanks to all the people who supported me and even the people who haven't. Because all of you are constantly giving me constuctive criticism and helping me create it to become better and better. So like I said above, let me know what you guys think about it so I can keep it up-to date.
      How old are you?: I am currently 14 years old, and my birthday being the 6th of October.

      Your in-game name: You guys may know me in-game as SpitFire2235 (IGN)

      What timezone are you in?: My time-zone is United States Pacific which means I live on the west coast (California)

      What country do you live in?: If you looked at the last question you could see that i'm from the USA (United States of America)
      What languages do you speak?: I speak fluently in english, but also speak spanish meaning that I have been taking spanish as an extra class in high school. I also took one year in middle school and I am currently in my third year of spanish in high school. I am also thinking about taking french classes over the summer to be tri-lingual. :D

      Why do you think you should become a mod?: I would like to become a Mod because I want to help people and ban anyone disobeying the rules that the Staff has created. Also, I want to partly prove that I can be mature. Some of the staff are way older than me, but that doesn't mean that I'm not able to do the things they can do. I can be just as mature and age shouldn't really matter in my opinion. A few other reasons are listed below:

      1: I am used to basic Mod commands
      In a server that one of my good friends owned, I was head-admin on the server. I got used to the commands about after a week or so. The server had about 20-30 people on a day.

      2: I can communicate easily to players
      I am a problem solver and can help many people out, such as younger players that don't understand how to play, or even an older audience of people that don't know the rules. I am on frequently and know a lot of the players, therefore I know them and their personalities better

      3: It would be an awesome experience
      I've only been mod on two other servers, so being a Mod on here would be an honor. I can extend my range of playing to be able to help people playing the game that I have learned how to play.

      4: I know where to start lookin'
      Every day, I tend to see many hackers playing unfairly on the server and know a few of their names. The hackers include the players with hacked items( Mainly on Kitpvp), Players using killaura, and players using anti-knockback.

      5: I am very honest and reliable
      If anyone is counting on me to do something important, I will get it done ASAP. I don't slack on the job and don't lie either. I f I screw up, then I will tell the truth and admit that I did it. I won't let my friends get away with anything if they are breaking the rules. I will let them get what they deserve.

      6: I'm not gullible
      Some of my friends will fall for ANYTHING! I can easily tell if people are telling the truth or not and if they get away with it, either karma will get back at them....OR ME!
      Most of the players I see hacking will usually get recorded, so there would be no way of them getting out of that situation.

      7: I take pre-caution to things and take it seriously
      I tend to take a lot of things seriously and I think about the situation a lot before I come into contact with it. If I see someone doing something wrong, I will make sure that they broke one of the rules before they ended up getting banned. If someone got banned for doing nothing, that would be on me.

      8: I'm pretty knowledgeable
      As I said earlier, I take CP classes and maintain a great GPA. I don't mess around in school because I want to be successful in life. I take biology and Algebra 2 Trigonometry. I also take Honors English.

      9: I'm always in a good mood
      I can cheer people up and make a good joke once in a while. I won't become angry or frustrated over a simple little thing. Basically, I DON'T RAGE QUIT.

      10: I'm just a good person in general
      I honestly never tell lies of any sort. I'm always honest. I'm never self-centered only thinking of myself. I think of others. I try to see how life would be in their shoes. I respect many people. I always try my best to never let anyone down. And I am constantly always trying to put them in a good mood if they are feeling upset.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?: I can most likely be on the server a lot since being only 14, I can't really drive anywhere or can't have a job, meaning that I can be active A LOT! To be more specific, on weekends, I can be on the server helping out 5-8 hours. And weekdays(Mon-Thurs), maybe around 3-5 hours per day.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?: I have been playing Mineverse since late June and have been loving my experience on this fantastic server.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?: I tried the server owning experience. It wasn't that kind to me. After that rough time, I learned many commands and had to make Moderator ranks that had certain permissions in them. By having myself and a few friends test all this out, helped us learn a lot about what you can do in Minecraft. I'm pretty sure I can keep up with most of the commands. The first time I was Mod was when I was only a wee lad. Not really. It was around a year and a half ago. The server got shut down due to insufficient funds.

      Many thanks to the staff members that keep this server hacker-free and all the people that supported this application!

      Staff Members: (I misssed some of you, sorry)



      Last edited: Jul 25, 2014

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